Magnetization process of narrow-gap semiconductor FeSb2
- Experiments on Superconducting (Rare Earth)-Ba_2Cu_3O_ down to 30 mK
- Superconducting and Magnetic Properties of High-T_c Superconductor GdBa_2Cu_3O_x
- Superconductivity of Y_1Ba_2(Cu_Fe_x)_3O_y
- The Meissner Effect of the Small Single Crystals of Ba_2YCu_O_
- Anomalous Resistivity in Ba-Y-Cu-O Systems
- AC Susceptibility of Superconducting La-Sr-Cu-O System
- Dipole and Deformation Dipole Polarization of Ions in Rock-Salt Structure Crystals(Condensed Matter : Structure, Mechanical and Thermal Properties)
- NMR Study on the Chemical Bonding and the Ionic Conductivity in Noble Metal Halides
- Polarizabilities and Shielding Factors of Ions in Cesium Halide Crystals with the Cesium : Chloride Structure
- NMR Study in PdCo and PdNiCo Alloys
- NMR Study on Defect Structure in β-LiGa(Condensed matter: structure and mechanical and thermal properties)
- Heat Capacities of Ba_2RCu_3O_x (R=Gd,Ho,Er,Dy)
- ^Si Knight Shift in the Heavy-Fermion Superconductor CeCu_2Si_2
- NMR Study of ^Co and ^B in RECo_4B_4 (RE=Gd,Tb,Dy,Ho,Er and Tm)
- Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation of Kondo Lattice Compound:CeCu_6
- Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation of ^La in Superconducting (La_Sr_x)_2CuO_4
- ^La NQR Study of Electronic States in Metallic Compounds (La_Sr_x)_2CuO_4
- Existence of the Minimum Coefficient in Temperature Linear Term of Heat Capacity in Superconducting (La_Ba_x)_2CuO_4
- Successive Magnetic Transitions in the Heusler Heavy-Fermion System CeInCu_2
- Magnetic Properties of YBa_2(Cu_Fe_x)_3O_y
- Cu NMR Study of Th-Doped Nd_2CuO_and Pr_2CuO_
- NMR Study of the Exchange-Enhanced Superconductors U_6Mn and U_6Co
- ^Pt Knight Shift in the Heavy Fermion Superconductor UPt_3
- NMR Studies of Antiferromagnetic Superconductors URu_2Si_2 and Upd_2Al_3
- ^Si NMR Study of Antiferromagnetic Superconductor URu_2Si_2
- Existence of Line Nodes in the Superconducting Energy Gap of Antiferromagnetic Superconductor URu_2Si_2 : ^Ru NQR Study
- ^Ru NQR Study in Superconducting CeRu_2
- Site Assignment for Copper NQR Lines in Oxygen-Deficient YBa_2Cu_3O_
- NQR Study of Copper in YBa_2(Cu_Zn_x)_3O_
- NQR Study of Copper in YBa_2Cu_3O_ with Doping Co and Fe Impurity
- Site Assignment for Copper NQR Lines in YBa_2Cu_3O_
- Superconductivity of Y_1Ba_2(Cu_Al_x)_3O_y and Y_1Ba_2(Cu_Zn_x)_3O_y
- NQR Study of Copper in SmBa_2Cu_3O_
- Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation in the Heavy-Fermion Superconductor UPt_3
- Competition of Magnetic Order and Superconductivity in (La_Ba_x)_2CuO_4 Systems
- Two Crystal Phases in the Superconducting Ba-Y-Cu-O System and Their Reactivity to Water
- Crystal Structure of Superconductor Ba_2YCU_O_
- NMR Study on Li-vacancy Ordering and Ionic Diffusion in β-LiGa
- ^V NMR Study of A15 Superconductor V_3Si
- Temperature Dependence of the Nuclear Quadrupole Relaxation Rate in Silver and Sodium Halide Crystals
- Complex Impedance Study in Bi_2O_3-WO_3
- Nuclear Quadrupole Relaxation in Silver and Sodium Halide Crystals
- Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation and Ionic Conductivity in LiNaSO_4
- NMR and Specific Heat Investigations in a Strong Electron-Phonon Coupling Superconductor HfV_2
- Electrical Impedance and Ultrasonic Measurements of Ag_3SI
- Ultrasonic Attenuation of β-Ag_3SI
- ^B Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation in Itinerant Weak Antiferromagnetic SmRh_3B_2
- Ultrasonic Measurements in the Ionic Conductor β-Ag_3SI
- Hyperfine Fields in the Heusler Alloys Ni_2MnIn and Pd_2Mnal
- Quasi-One-Dimensional Itinerant Electron System (La-Y)Mn_4Al_8 with Soft Spin Gap(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Quenching and Recovery of Spin in Quasi-One-dimensional Itinerant Electron Magnet LaMn_4Al_8(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Pseudogap in YMn_4Al_8(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Meissner Effect and Resistivity of the Supereonducting Y-Ba-Cu-O System
- ^La Pure Quadrupole Resonance of High T_c Superconducting Materials (La_M_x)_2CuO_4 (M=Ba, Sr)
- NMR Study of ^Bin DyRh_4B_4 and DyNIr_Rh_)_4B_4
- ESR Study of α-Mn Metal
- Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance in (La_Sr_x)_2CuO_4 System
- Nuclear Relaxation and Knight Shift Studies of Copper in YBa_2Cu_3O_
- Magnetization process of narrow-gap semiconductor FeSb2