Dipole and Deformation Dipole Polarization of Ions in Rock-Salt Structure Crystals(Condensed Matter : Structure, Mechanical and Thermal Properties)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The comparative study is done on the dipole and deformation dipole polarization. With the local density approximation, the values of the dipole polarizability and the deformation dipole tensor of the ions in the rock-salt structure alkali iodide crystals are calculated. The Szigeti effective charge is obtained from the deformation dipole tensor. The crystalline potential is treated by the spherical solid model. The response to the perturbation is calculated by the self-consistent field potential. The calculated results are compared with those in other alkali halide crystals. The ease of the ionic migration is discussed by using the deformation dipole tensor.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2005-02-15
道廣 嘉隆
Rahman Mahbubar
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Engineering University Of Tokushima
Takao Kohara
Department Of Material Science Faculty Of Science Himeji Institute Of Technology
Kaneko Tetsuyuki
Department Of Material Physics Faculty Of Engineering Science Osaka University
Kanashiro Tatsuo
Department Of Quantum Materials Science Institute Of Technology The University Of Tokushima
Kanashiro T
Department Of Quantum Materials Science Institute Of Technology The University Of Tokushima
Nakamura Koichi
Department of Material Physics, Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University
Department of Physics, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokushima
道広 喜隆
Rahman Md.
Department Of Agriculture Bsmrau
Kanashiro Tatsuo
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Engineering Tokushima University
Nakamura Koichi
Department Of Imaging Art
Nakamura Koichi
Department Of Clinical Pharmacology And Therapeutics Oita University Faculty Of Medicine
Kanashiro T
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Engineering University Of Tokushima
Nakamura Kaizo
Department of Quantum Materials Science, Institute of Technology, The University of Tokushima
Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba
NAKAMURA Katsuhiro
The James Franck Institute, The University of Chicago : Fukuoka Institute of Technology
Nakamura Koichi
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University
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