- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to make clear inter-relatinoships among leukocyte counts and leukogram, active smokers and passive smokers, this survey was performed. Leukocy counts were tested in 241 non-smoking men of adults and 531 active-smoking men of adults in 1981. And 76 non-smoking men and 134 active-smoking men were also examined in 1985. All adult subjects were confirmed to be healthy by the complete physical examination of Automated Multiphasic Health Testing and Services Center in Tokai University Hospital before this study. For the survey of passive smoking effects, healthy schoolchildren were selected by the health examinations which were regularly held at the F. elementary school in Suginami Ward, Tokyo. After they were divided into non-passive and passive smoking groups according to their familiar smoking habits, leukogram counts and leukogram were measured. The results were as follows: (1) Leukocyte counts in smokers were significantly greater than those non-smokrers. Leukocyte counts were increased dose-effectively with increasing the number of cigrettes smoked, and correlation coefficient in these parameter were significiant. (2) Although leukocyte counts of passive smoking group in schoolchilren were slightly greater than those of non-passive smoking group, these cliff erenses were not significant. But leukocyte counts of boys group who were passive smokers originated from both parents smoking or mothers smoking were higher significantlly as compared to non-passive smoking group. Correlation coefficient between the number of passive cigarettes smoked, and leukocyte counts was significant, but it was smaller than that of active smoking group. (3) Basophilic leukocyte counts in passive smoking group were higher than those of non-passivesmoking group and passive smoking group originated from mother's smoking showed the highest level, but these were not significant statistically. Correlation coefficients between passive smoking level, and eosinophilic leukocyte and monocyte counts were significant.
- 日本民族衛生学会の論文
日野原 茂雄
横山 公通
横山 公通
松木 秀明
東海大学医学部 公衆衛生学教室
春日 斉
三澤 京子
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