- 論文の詳細を見る
Free fatty acid in plasma, despite its low concentration, is regarded as an important energy source for various organs and tissues. The metabolic turnover of free fatty acid (FFA) in plasma is rapid and the plasma content of FFA is regulated by both mechanisms of mobilization from adipose tissues and utilization in various organs and tissues. Of these mechanisms, the former is considered to be more predominant than the latter.<BR>The present studies were undertaken to elucidate the physiological role of sympathoadrenergic regulation in mobilization of FFA from adipose tissues.<BR>Observations were made of the effects of adrenergic blocking agents (BL) on plasma content of FFA in normal subjects under several conditions such as rest, physical exercise and intravenous administration of glucose. In addition, an in vitro study was carried out to investigate the effect of BL on the catecholamine-induced release of FFA from rat's adipose tissue.<BR>Results obtained are as follows : <BR>(1) In young, male normal subjects at rest, both changes in plasma content of FFA after the intravenous injection of 10 mg of propranolol (in 5 subjects) and after that of 5 mg of phentolamine (in 6 subjects) were observed. Plasma content of FFA determined by the method of Dole indicated a marked decrease after the injection of propranolol, while no significant alteration was found after the injection of phentolamine.<BR>(2) In each of 7 young, male normal subjects, duplicate exercise tests consisting of the first and the second exercise test with the same work load (300 kpm/min for 10 minutes) were carried out using bicycle ergometer at the 60 minutes interval. The second exercise test was performed after the intravenous injection of 10 mg of propranolol, whereas the first exercise test was not preceded by any treatment. The change of plasma content of FFA in the first exercise test was compared with that in the second exercise test.<BR>In the former, plasma content of FFA indicated a pronounced elevation preceded by a slight drop. The elevation of plasma FFA in the latter was markedly suppressed compared with that in the former.<BR>(3) In 42 young normal subjects, 40 ml of 50% glucose was intravenously injected and the changes of plasma content of FFA were observed. The biphasic change in plasma FFA which consisted of a descending phase and a subsequent ascending phase was demonstrated.<BR>(4) In five young, male normal subjects, both effects of the pretreatment with phentolamine (5 mg) and that with propranolol (10 mg) on the pattern of plasma content of FFA after the injection of glucose were observed. Namely, three kinds of investigation were carried out in each subject at intervals of one week. It was revealed that by either pretreatment with phentolamine or with propranolol, the ascending phase of plasma FFA which was found after the injection of glucose was markedly suppressed.<BR>(5) In five subjects, the same as those mentioned in (4), further observation was made of the effect of pretreatment with phentolamine (5 mg) on the response of immune reactive insulin (IRI) following the intravenous injection of glucose.<BR>The values of serum IRI were determined by the method of Morgan and Lazarow. It was demonstrated that the maximum value of serum IRI which was seen 5 minutes after the injection of glucose was significantly increased by the pretreatment with phentolamine. The result apparently incdiates that the glucose-induced early secretion of insulin is suppressed by the activation of alpha-adrenergic receptors.<BR>(6) An in vitro study was made of the effect of BL on the catecholamine-induced release of FFA from rat's adipose tissue. A marked suppressive effect of propranolol on either isoproterenol-or norepinephrine-induce release of FFA was demonstrated. It was of interest that FFA release from adipose tissue either by norepinephrine or by isoproterenol was suppressed by a large dose of phentolamine.
- 日本内分泌学会の論文
福崎 恒
岡本 良三
友松 達弥
島谷 博允
太田 耕治
櫨木 喬
友松 達弥
岡本 良三
福崎 恒
- 診断基準 : 核医学的手段による心疾患診断のための診断基準委員会報告(1989-91年度) : 日本循環器学会研究委員会報告 : 第56回日本循環器学会学術集会
- 21) 心筋硬塞症の不整脈に関する実験的研究 : Lidocaine, Disopyramideの効果 : 第43回日本循環器学会近畿地方会
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- X線CT法による腹部大動脈硬化の診断
- 269)粥状動脈硬化血管壁におけるPGI_2生成量 : 日本循環器学会第54回近畿地方会
- WHHL家兎冠血管におけるprostacyclinの反応性と生成能 : two stageでの検討
- 41) 急性心筋梗塞症の不整脈予防に関する実験的研究 : 日本循環器学会第47回近畿地方会
- 227.遊離脂肪酸の心筋内ガス分圧に及ぼす効果 : 第2報 : 第43回日本循環器学会学術集会 : 虚血心筋代謝
- 81. 遊離脂肪酸の心筋内ガス分圧に及ぼす影響 : 第42回日本循環器学会学術集会 : 心筋代謝
- 98) 冠不全にみられる高脂血症の推移と心電図変化 : 第40回日本循環器学会近畿地方会
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