- 論文の詳細を見る
Present study was performed to investigate whether TRH or metoclopramide (MCP) loading test was useful for the diagnosis of so-called occulted or latent hyperprolactinemia (transient increase of serum prolactin levels more than 30ng/ml during night; OHP).<BR>The circadian profiles of serum prolactin levels were examined in 31 women (age : 23-32 years old) whose BBT charts showed biphasic patterns. Blood samplings had been done every two hours through an intravenous indwelling catheter without any disturbances. And seven cases of the OHP were selected. Five cases of the control were also selected at random. Then, LH-RH (100 μg) and TRH (500μg) loading test and LH-RH and MCP (10mg) loading test were performed to these cases in the mid-luteal phase of the same menstrual cycle at interval of two or three days, and serum FSH, LH and prolactin levels (at 0, 30, 60, 90,120 min. after the loading test) were determined by radioimmunoassay. <BR>Serum prolactin levels in the OHP group showed significant higher levels than those of the control from 22 to 6 o'clock (p<0.05-0.005). By the administration of 500μg of TRH, serum prolactin levels of the OHP group increased significantly compared to those of the control at all sampling points (p<0.05-0.005), and also by the administration of 10 mg of MCP, the same result was obtained (p<0.05-0.02). The maximum peak of serum prolactin levels appeared at 30 min. after TRH or MCP loading. From these results, the diagnostic criteria for the OHP were decided tentatively as follows; serum prolactin levels more than 150 ng/ml at 30 min. after TRH loading or more than 250 ng/ml at 30 min. after MCP loading. Each value was approximated to the value of Mean - 1 S.D. in the OHP group which was obtained in this study. The usefulness of these criteria was examined in the patients with anovulatory cycles in the sterility clinic of our hospital and 24 cases of OHP by the TRH loading test (group A) and 19 cases of OHP by the MCP loading test (group B) were selected. Bromocriptine (5 mg/day) was administered for more than 30 days to these two groups and the effectiveness for the ovulation induction by the administration of bromocriptine was investigated for the confirmation whether the diagnostic criteria were appropriate. <BR>The ovulations were induced in 18 cases of group A (75%) and 14 cases of group B (73.7%) by the administration of bromocriptine. There was no significant difference in the ratio of the ovulation induction between these two groups. <BR>From these results, both TRH and MCP loading test were useful for the diagnosis of the OHP and the diagnostic criteria obtained in this study were appropriate for the diagnosis of the OHP.
- 一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会の論文
國保 健太郎
安藤 三郎
森 宏之
大分医科大学 産婦人科
多和田 哲雄
金田 幸枝
合阪 幸三
吉田 浩介
賛育会病院 産婦人科
金田 幸枝
賛育会病院 産婦人科
安藤 三郎
賛育会病院 産婦人科
國保 健太郎
賛育会病院 産婦人科
合阪 幸三
賛育会病院 産婦人科
多和田 哲雄
賛育会病院 産婦人科
森 宏之
大分医科大学 産科婦人科学教室
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- 376 卵巣内動脈の構造に関する研究
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- 504 高LH血症性排卵障害の臨床的背景およびbromocriptine (Br.)の効果に関する検討
- 57 母乳分泌予備能の判定を目的としたメトクロプラミド(MCP)負荷テストの検討
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- 64 産科学的諸因子に及ぼす非妊時の肥満度および妊娠時の母体体重増加の影響
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- 150 高LH血症性排卵障害(内分泌学的PCO)に見られる潜在性高プロラクチン(PRL)血症(OHP)の合併と副腎機能の相関
- 98 HMG-HCG療法におけるGn-RH agonist併用療法の問題点
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- 152 RIAによる羊水中の血小板活性化因子(PAF)の測定とその意義に関する研究
- 100 Pure-FSH製剤の新しい投与法の開発
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- 266 CDDPの腎障害判定法としての尿中NAGの意義と腎障害軽減法としてのFosfomycin併用の効果
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- LH-RH Agonist(Buserelin)による子宮内膜症の治療
- 157 Pregnancy outcomeによる母体血, 臍帯血中必須元素濃度の変動に関する統計的研究
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- Bromocriptineの正常Prolactin血症性排卵障害婦人のFSH・LH分泌に及ぼす影響
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- 正プロラクチン血性黄体機能不全の病態にかかわるプロラクチンの意義
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- 450 潜在性高PRL血症における甲状腺機能に関する検討
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- 高LH・正プロラクチン性排卵障害に対するBromocriptineの効果
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- 潜在性高prolactin血症の診断法としてのTRH及びmetoclopramide負荷テストの意義
- 内分泌学的PCO症例の臨床的背景およびbromocriptineの効果に関する研究
- いわゆる潜在性高prolactin血症患者におけるprolactin分泌予備能の検討
- いわゆる潜在性高prolactin血症の黄体機能に及ぼす影響
- 正プロラクチン性排卵障害婦人におけるBromocriptineの排卵誘発作用の機序:いわゆる正プロラクチン血性排卵障害における潜在性高プロラクチン血症の意義
- 成人男子におけるgonadotropins及びtestosterone分泌のpulsatile pattern及び日内変動に及ぼすbromocriptineの影響
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