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Present study was performed to elucidate the clinical features and the treatment of so-called endocrinological polycystic ovarian disease (PCO). 36 cases out of 189 infertile patients who had various ovulatory disturbances were subjected during past four years. They were selected by the definitions as follows; 1) serum LH levels?30mIU/ml and serum FSH levels?15mIU/ml, 2) hyper-response of LH secretion by LH-RH (100μg) loading test; maximum values?250mIU/ml. Serum androstenedione (ASD), dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHA-S), estrone (E1), estradiol (E2), progesterone (P, in the mid-luteal phase) and testosterone (T) levels were examined by RIA method for the purpose of the evaluation of the endocrinological background of the PCO in Japanese women. The same examinations were also done in 8 volunteer women who had normal ovulatory menstrual cycles for the control study. In 6 cases of the PCO patients who showed biphasic BBT charts, the endometrial biopsy was done in the midluteal phase at the same time of the blood sampling. And the correlation between various serum hormone levels and the endometrial morphology in the PCO patients was also discussed. Then bromocriptine (5mg/day) was administered in these patients for more than 30 days and the effect of the treatment was investigated.<BR>Serum ASD levels in the PCO patients were significantly higher than those in the control (2.52±1.30 vs. 1.43±1.21ng/ml, M±S. D., p<0.05), while serum E2 and P levels in the patients were significantly lower than those in the control (E2: 118.6±39.5 vs. 192.5±53.9pg/ml, p<0.005. P: 7.26±5.08 vs. 12.4±4.6ng/ml, p<0.005, respectively). There were no significant differences in serum levels of the other hormones. By the administration of bromocriptine, serum ASD levels decreased (1.62±1.34ng/ml, p<0.05), and E2 (177.9±48.6pg/ml, p<0.025) and P (11.8±4.3ng/ml, p<0.005) levels increased significantly into the levels of the control. Serum LH levels of the patients were also suppressed by the treatment of bromocriptine (42.5±13.7 vs. 27.4±12.0mIU/ml, p<0.005), however there was no change in serum FSH levels.<BR>In the dating of the endometrium, the time lag with more than 2 days were observed in 5 out of 6 patients with PCO (83.3%), in whom endometrium showed atypical secretory phase with the irregular ripening of the endometrial glands. After the treatment of the bromocriptine, these abnormal findings were improved into those of the normal secretory phase and the time lag of the endometrial dating also became within 2 days.<BR>23 cases out of 36 PCO patients became ovulatory only by the administration of bromocriptine, and the other 8 and 3 cases recovered ovulatory cycles, in addition to bromocriptine, with clomiphene citrate and HMG, respectively (total 34 cases, 94.4%). And 12 cases (33.3%) were conceived.<BR>These results indicate that the endocrinological features of PCO in Japanese women are elevated serum LH and ASD levels, and the treatment with bromocriptine is effective not only for the correction of these abnormal serum hormone levels, but also for the normalizing of the endometrium, probably through the mechanism of the improvement of hypothalamic dopamine turnover.
- 一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会の論文
野島 美知夫
森 宏之
都築 浩雄
鳥谷 葉子
多和田 哲雄
金田 幸枝
合阪 幸三
吉田 浩介
賛育会病院 産婦人科
野島 美知夫
國保 健太郎
賛育会病院 産婦人科
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- 67 ヒト胎盤絨毛組織における高分子量蛋白分解酵素 (インゲンシン) の諸性質と機能について
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- 64 産科学的諸因子に及ぼす非妊時の肥満度および妊娠時の母体体重増加の影響
- 66 妊婦血清と胎盤絨毛組織におけるアミノペプチダーゼの酵素学的検討
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- 98 HMG-HCG療法におけるGn-RH agonist併用療法の問題点
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- 152 RIAによる羊水中の血小板活性化因子(PAF)の測定とその意義に関する研究
- 100 Pure-FSH製剤の新しい投与法の開発
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- 284 間脳-下垂体-卵巣系に及ぼす一過性高prolactin (PRL) 血症の影響
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- 低用量ピルの副作用と副効用
- GnRHアンタゴニスト
- 当科〔賛育会病院産婦人科〕不妊外来における不妊因子および治療成績に関する統計的考察
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- 潜在性高prolactin血症の診断基準とbromocriptineの臨床効果に関する研究
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- 内分泌学的PCO症例の臨床的背景およびbromocriptineの効果に関する研究
- いわゆる潜在性高prolactin血症患者におけるprolactin分泌予備能の検討
- いわゆる潜在性高prolactin血症の黄体機能に及ぼす影響