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Typical sponge cakes are made from equal weight of wheat flour, whole eggs and sugar (wheat flour cake). In this paper, wheat flour was replaced with wheat starch (wheat starch cake) while keeping all other aspect of preparation the same. The specific volume of this cake was 20% greater than wheat flour cake. Observation of air cells structure in both cakes by“SEM”showed that continuous globular air cells with thinner cell walls and smaller pores were formed than for wheat flour cakes. Cubes cut from both types of sponge cakes were tested. When both cakes were compressed to 40% of their original thickness by the Creep Meter, only slight differences in recovery of thickness were observed for both types. Further, even after compressing the wheat starch cake cubes to 1/10 of their original thickness, only 90% of the initial thickness was recovered when the load was removed. The formation of such the air cell structure in the wheat starch sponge cake was proposed to proceed as follows. The starch granules in the wheat starch cake batter were distributed uniformly on the surfaces of air bubbles. Then when the sponge cake batter was baked, the air bubbles expanded and granules slightly gelatinized, keeping their same position. Therefore, the air bubbles maintained spherical pore shape, even after cooling. As a result, wheat starch sponge cake structure was shown to have significant elasticity and rheological properties.
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