- 論文の詳細を見る
One hundred and eighty three children with retarded speech were differentiated into four groups, namely, hearing disorders, children living in a poor linguistic environment, autism and mentally retarded. The latter group children was divided two subgroups, one group whose developmental quotient (DQ) was over 40 and the other, lower than 39.Tsumori's test for evaluation of mental development was employed. In this test, five aspects of development such as fundamental movements, inquiry and operation, sociability, habits of every day life, understanding and language were discussed. The development of hearing disorders and children in a poor linguistic environment in each aspect, except language was fairly normal. The all five aspects of development in mentary retarded children were uniformly retarded. A type of the developmental profile of the mentally retarded with a high DQ was similar to that of hearing disorders, however the former was somewhat low regarding aspects of inquiry, operation and sociability. On the other hand, the type of development of the mentally retarded with a low DQ was quite different from that seen in children with a high DQ. The development of each aspect was in proportion to the degree of participation of mental activity.The development of autism was peculiar. The development itself was comparatively good, better than that of the mentally retarded with a high DQ. But, the score of language was lower than that of the latter. The type of developmental profile, however, was similar to that of mentally retarded with a low DQ.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
三好 豊二
富沢 貞造
村田 清高
樋渡 章二
石川 保之
八木 伸也
石川 保之
八木 伸也
三好 豊二
八木 伸也
樋渡 章二
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