前庭性平衡失調と視運動性平衡失調 (天理よろづ相談所病院耳鼻咽喉科開設15周年記念論文集)
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Vestibular and optokinetic stimulations induce balance disorder and nystagmus. The differences between these two balance disorders were compared. By means of the correlogram between body sway and head tilt, the change of posture was investigated. The posture was evaluated in terms of position and attitude. The continuous correlogram of body sway and head tilt was obtained by the combined use of a gravicorder, an accelerometer and X-Y recorder. The position was expressed by the body's center of gravity and the attitude was expressed by the correlogram, especially by the divergence from the regression line of the correlogram. The correlogram deviated to the slow-phase side of nystagmus on caloric stimulation. This deviation was, however, much larger in head tilt than that in body sway. The correlogram deviated biphasically along the regression line on optokinetic stimulation. The head tilt was proportional to the body sway. Thus, in caloric unbalance, not only the position but also the attitude were changed. In optokinetic unbalance, only the position was changed and the attitude was maintained as before stimulation. These findings indicate that optokinetic disequilibrium was due to disorientation in space, but vestibular disequilibrium was due to disturbance in the relationship between the head and body.
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