- 論文の詳細を見る
The concentrations of cefamedin in the tonsil, mucous membrane of the nasalparanasal cavity, parotid and thyroid glands after infusion were studied.Two grams of cefamedin in 100ml saline had been administered for 30 minutes by infusion, the operation started and the above-mentioned organs were excised. These organs were homogenized in phosphate buffer and the concentrations of cefamedin in the tissues were measured by a bio-assay using the disc method. The organism tested was Bacillus subtilis.The serum concentration of the substance in the venous blood was also measured by the same method. Concentrations in the organs and in the serum were compared. The concentrations in the organs were always less than that in the serum and reached their peaks somewhat later than that of the serum. The concentrations were highest in the nasal-paranasal group, followed by the parotid and thyroid groups which had the same level and were lowest in the tonsillar group.The order of the transfer ratio, concentration in the organ to that in the serum, was as follows, nasal-paranasal mucosa>parotis=thyroid>tonsil. The transfer ratio reached its peak 30 to 60 minutes after infusion and decreased thereafter.By infusing cefamedin, tissue concentrations sufficient to produce prophylactic effects were obtained as confirmed at the moment of excision.
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