四肢の皮膚への圧刺激で誘発される眼球運動;側臥位のウサギの四肢筋,深層項筋筋電図と眼振電図を指標とする観察 (京都大学医学部耳鼻咽喉科学教室6年間の歩み(1977-1982年)--檜学教授還暦によせて)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to study the correlation between the extero- and proprioceptive reflexes in the development of the righting reflex of the eyes and body, the following experiments were carried out. That is, rabbits with healthy ears are laterally laid down on the left side and the eye deviation thus induced (compensatory eye deviation) is recorded from the right eye (upper side) using an electronystagmograph (ENG) and either the electromyograph (EMG) of the deep neck muscles or that of the extensor muscles of the four limbs was also recorded. Alteration of the above-mentioned eye deviation is then observed when cutaneo-pressure stimulation is given to the trunk and limbs. In these experiments, the following facts were noted.(1) The cutaneo-pressure reflex elicited in the hind limbs on the upper side induces increased activity of the extensor muscles of the same limb and this is followed by the increased activity of the deep neck muscles on the same side. These lead to the development of eye movement towards the upper eyelid. The eye movement of this type differs in direction and nature from compensatory eye deviation, and thus the former eye movement is considered to be the righting reflex of the eye.(2) The development of the above-mentioned eye movement, i. e. the righting reflex of the eye is related not only to the increased activity of the proprioceptors of the deep neck muscles, but also to that of the otolith. However, the otolith does exert an excitatory effect on the development of the righting reflex of the eye only when the cervical proprioceptors are well functioning.(3) The cutaneo-pressure reflex elicited in the forelimb is not related to the development of the righting reflex of the eye.(4) The cutaneo-pressure reflex elicited in the trunk does exert an inhibitory effect on the occurrence of the eye movement referred to above.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
伊藤 信輔
檜 学
岸本 誠司
岸本 誠司
森中 節子
伊藤 信輔
檜 学
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