Hydrostatic pressure in experimentally induced endolymphatic hydrops in the guinea pig.
- 論文の詳細を見る
With a servo-nulling pressure system the perilymphatic and endolymphatic pressures were measured continuously through the round window and basilar membranes 1-2.5 months after obliteration of the endolymphatic sac in 7 guinea pigs.1) There was no significant statistical difference between the perilymphatic and endolymphatic pressures of the control ears.2) The endolymphatic pressure was significantly higher (+0.78±0.32mm/Hg) than the perilymphatic pressure in the operated ears.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
Fisch Ugo
Zürich Univ.
伊藤 信輔
Dillier Norbert
Zürich 大学脳神経外科
伊藤 信輔
Fisch Ugo
Zurich University
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- Hydrostatic pressure in experimentally induced endolymphatic hydrops in the guinea pig.
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