- 論文の詳細を見る
A 35 yr. old man coplained stomach-ache dizziness and nausea. The patient has gaze deviation nystagmus, vertical spontaneous nystagmus and positional nystagmus which was combination of direction changing and direction fiexd. He had no cranial sign beside these abnormal eye movement. For lack of physical, biochemical and neurological signs, it took about 50 days to reach to deffinit diagnosis, no matter what these abnormal eye movement indicated the exsistance of some lesion in the left and dorsal side of posteriol fossa from the beginning of disease.<BR>The hemangioblastom in the left side culmen of vermis whose frontal end extended as for as the botom of the fourth ventricle was removed by suboccipital craniectomy.<BR>The post-op. course was uneventful and the patient is well at present.
- 7. 口蓋扁桃に転移を来した小細胞型未分化癌の一例
- 第35回 日本平衡神経科学会
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- Computer analysis of nystagmus with the use of new parameters.
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