The Effect of Preoprative Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Soft Tissue Sarcoma.
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Sixteen patients with high grade malignant soft tissue tumor treated by pre- and postoperative systemic chemotherapy were studied. The evaluation of effectiveness of the preoperative chemotherapy was performed by thermogram, 67Ga citrate scintigram, CT scanning and angiogram. Comparison with the histological assessment by tumor necrotic rate, thermographic images and CT scanning images were corresponded to the tumor necrotic rate. To determine the operative procedure and select the drug for postopertive chemotherapy, it is important to evaluate the efficacy of preoperative chemotherapy by examining images and histological findings. Ten-year survival rate (Kaplan-Meier's method) was rated 85.7%. Local recurrence and lung metastasis were found in three cases and seven cases respectively. The prognosis of these patients were not correlated to the clinical and histological assesments.
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