Clinical experiences of the fractures in the upper end of the tibia.
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Thirteen cases of the fractures in the upper end of the tibia were reported. Thease cases were classified by Hohl's classification: undisplaced type, 2 cases; split type, 2 cases, split depression type, 3 cases; and comminuted type, 6 cases. Four cases of undisplaced type and split type were treated conservatively and 9 cases of split depression type and comminuted type were operated.The results were estimated by the criteria of Hohl and Luck: excellent in 7 cases, good in 3 cases, fair in 1 case and poor in 2 cases.The conclusion was following:1. the stable internal fixation made early mobilization possible, 2. the short-term cast and early mobilization made good results, 3. primary repair of ligamentous or meniscal injury made good results, 4. the degree of depression of the tibial condyle must be controlled within 5mm in depth, which made good results.
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