Evaluation of Prosthetic Reconstruction After Wide Resection of Bone-Soft Tissue Tumors of the Lower Extremities. A radiographical study.:A radiographical study
- 論文の詳細を見る
We examined the radiographical assessment of 10 prosthetic reconstructions after wide resections of bone-soft tissues tumors performed between 1985 and 1994. Subjects comprised 5 males and 5 females with an average age of 28.7 years (10 to 59 years) at surgery. The average follow-up was 50.9 months (5 to 120). The average % rating of functional assessment using Enneking's grading system was 77.7% and results after long-term follow-up were judged to be excellent. Radiographical results were evaluated using the ISOLS system for all cases, and Rizzoli's grading system was also used to assess the Kotz prostheses. The radiographical results using ISOLS system were excellentt or good in 6 of 10 cases. Classification using Rizzoli's grading system revealed and D in 4 cases, type E in 1 case and no type B/C. The incidence of Type D/E gradually increased after surgery for 24 months or more. We concluded that indications for revision tended to be difficult because radiographical results did not correspond with functional results.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
古瀬 清夫
南崎 剛
西 孝之
廣瀬 方志
山本 吉藏
奥野 誠
古瀬 清夫
国立米子病院 整形外科
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