Meniscectomy in patients older than forty years.
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Forty patients who were more than forty years old when meniscectomy was performed were reviewed. Fifteen of twenty-three patients who were more than 5 years postoperatively returned for follow up evaluation. Although mild pain was present in 40per cent of the patients, satisfactory clinical results were obtained in all cases. The roentgenographic findings of postmeniscectomy degenerative changes were more severe on the side operated but not correlated with the clinical results. The femoro-tibial angle was in relatively more varus angulation in post medial meniscectomy and more valgus in lateral one on the involved side than on the uninvolved side.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
鱸 俊朗
中川 充
山上 剛
縄田 耕二
鳥取大学医学部 整形外科学教室
伊達 伸也
山本 吉藏
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