Sea-level and Altitude of Land Bridges during the Continental Stages of Japan:Some Problems on Land Connection
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The fossil record and distribution of the Recent terrestrial fauna indicate that at some time during the Quaternary Japan had a land connection with Asiatic continent. The fossil mammals from the Nagahama Formation of the Boso Peninsula include Stegodon orientalis which is thought to be a warm temperature species from its distribution. This elephant must have migrated to Japan during a warm climate stage and probably of high sea-level. Land connection with the Asiatic continent is expected not only during the low sea-level stage but also during the high sea-level stage of the Early Pleistocene. The Middle and Late Quaternary eustatic oscillations of sea-level based on the terraces developed and distributed along the coast and off shore of Japan are shown in the text-figure, in which the idealized projected profiles of the terraces are in the left and the thickness of the conformable marine Pleistocene formations distributed and developed in the northern part of the Boso Peninsula whose top corresponds with the sea-level in the stage III in the right. The land connection is expected throughout the Middle and Late Quaternary except for stages of III and I, which are preceded by the low sea-levels.The land connection problem is geographical and biological in nature, and diastrophism may be concerned. The geological structure and topography of the Korean Strait and its vicinity suggest some probability of the isolation of Japan from the Asiatic continent due to diastrophism.
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- Sea-level and Altitude of Land Bridges during the Continental Stages of Japan:Some Problems on Land Connection