八重山群島 石垣島・西表島の地質
- 論文の詳細を見る
Ishigaki-jima and Iriomote-jima are the largest two islands of Yaeyama Gunto in the westernmost part of the Ryukyu Islands. Major startigraphic units on them are pre-Eocene Ishigaki Group, Upper Eocene Miyara Group, Lower Miocene Yaeyama Group, Sonai Conglomerate of unknown age, Pleistocene Ryukyu Group and the recent coastal and fluvial deposits. The Ishigaki Group comprises the Tomuru and Fusaki Formations. The Tomuru Formation occurs in the northeastern, east central and northwestern parts of Ishigaki-jima and in the eastern part of Iriomote-jima. Rocks are glaucophane schist, graphite schist, quartz-mica schist, phyllite, green and black schists and basalt. Maximum thickness is 2100 m. The Fusaki Formation crops out in the west central to southwestern part of Ishigaki-jima and on Taketomi-Jima, a small island to the southwest of Ishigaki-jima. It consists of sandstone, shale, phyllite, chert and limestone. The measured section in the southwestern part of the island is about 400 m. No fossils have been found in the Ishigaki Group. The sedimentary rocks of the Fusaki Formation are bounded on the east and northwest by the metamorphic rocks of the Tomuru Formation, but the relation between them remains uncertain because of poor exposure along the boundary. The estimated boundaries pass through the central part of Ishigaki-jima in north direction and the northwestern part in northeast direction. In the central part of the island, the boundary extends northward to the eastern margin of the granitic intrusion, along which dunite crops out in a few places. The Miyara Group comprises the Miyaragawa and Nosoko Formations. The Miyaragawa Formation unconformably overlies the Ishigaki Group in many places of Ishigaki-jima and in a small area in the eastern part of Iriomote-jima. It consists of conglomerate, an alternation of sandstone and siltstone and limestone. The limestone is biogenic and cotains well preserved fossils of the Late Eocene age. Fossils occur also in the conglomerate, sandstone and siltstone. Thickness of the Miyaragawa Formation is about 80 m. The Nosoko Formation overlies conformably the Miyaragawa Formation and unconformably the Ishigaki Group. The Nosoko Formation is distributed mainly in the northeastern and northwestern parts of Ishigaki-jima and in the eastern part of Iriomote-jima. It consists largely of andesite, dacite and tuff breccia, but includes conglomerate and sandstone, which yielded fossils. The pyroclastic rocks of the Nosoko Formation are altered and colored green ; they closely resemble the so-called green-tuff of the Early to Middle Miocene in the mainland of Japan. However, the fossils from the interbedded conglomerate and sandstone indicate the Late Eocene age. Total thickness of the Nosoko Formation is about 400 m. Granitic rocks intrude the Ishigaki and Miyara Groups in the northwestern part of Ishigaki-jima. The rocks are biotite adamellite and biotite granite which are accompanied by biotite-hornblende-augite quartzdiorite, granodiorite, dacite and rhyolite. In contact with the intrusions, the rocks of the Ishigaki and Miyara Groups are metamorphosed into hornfels. K-Ar age of the biotite adamellite is 21 Ma. The Yaeyama Group includes the Iriomote Formation, which occupies most part of Iriomote-jima. The Iriomote Formation consists of conglomerate, sandstone and siltstone. By the predominant lithofacies, the Iriomote Formation is subdivided into seven beds ; they are called with the letters A to G, in ascending order. Among them, the bed F is characterized by coal layers interbedded with an alternation of siltstone and silty sandstone, and is named the Uchiba-narejima Coal-bearing Member. The conglomerate and sandstone yielded molluscan and other fossils. The sandstone of the bed C and G are partly fossiliferous, and in places they grade into calcarenite and shell-limestone which form small lenses. Total thickness of the Iriomote Formation amounts to 700 m. The Sonai Conglomerate is distributed in several places in the north central to western part of Iriomote-jima. It unconformably overlies the Iriomote Formation. The conglomerate consists mostly of rounded cobbles, but includes pebbles and boulders in palces. Predominant rocks of cobbles are sandstone in the northern part and limestone and sandstone in the western part of the island, most of which are derived from the Iriomote Formation. The limestone cobbles contain larger foraminifera of the Early Miocene age. Maximum thickness of the conglomerate is 80 m. The Ryukyu Group includes the Ohama Formation on Ishigaki-jima and the Sumiyoshi Formation on Iriomote-jima. The Ohama Formation overlies the Nosoko and older formations with unconformity, and the Sumiyoshi Formation overlies the Sonai Conglomerate and older formations with unconformity. Distribution of the Ryukyu Group is limited to the area less than 70 m above sea level. In the inland area of Ishigaki-jima, the Ohama Formation consists of gravel, sand and clayey silt. The main part of the formation in the coastal area consists of detrital, foraminiferal, algal and coral limestones. The Ohama Formation occupies large area on Ishigaki-jima. Depositional surface is preserved between 20 and 70 m above sea level. The Sumiyoshi Formation is distributed in small areas along the coast of Iriomote-jima except the south coast. It consists of detrital, algal and coral limestones. Depositional surface is between 20 and 40 m above sea level. The Ryukyu Group on Ishigaki-jima and Iriomote-jima is correlated with the younger part of the Ryukyu Group in Amami-Okinawa Gunto. The recent deposits include coral reefs, beach sand and gravel, dune sand, fluvial clay, sand and gravel and residual soils. Deposits of cave and fissure in the limestone of the Ohama Formation yielded various remains of land animals.
- 東北大学の論文
- 1982-03-29
土井 宣夫
中川 久夫
中川 久夫
土井 宣夫
土井 宣夫
日本重化学工業株式会社盛岡工業所 (盛岡市)
白尾 元理
徳本寺 (東京都台東区西浅草)
荒木 裕
長谷地質調査事務所 (仙台市)
中川 久夫
中川 久夫
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- 51. 八幡平地域の玉川溶結凝灰岩類の層序(日本火山学会 1979 年春季大会講演要旨)
- 濁川カルデラの地下構造 : 日本火山学会1977年度秋季大会
- 琉球列島の鮮新統および更新統 : 第三紀
- 討論記事
- 107 房総半島南部の層序と構造
- 49 房総半島南部の地質
- 中部更新統青葉山層産旧石器の層準について : 第四紀
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- 新庄盆地の第四紀地殼変動
- 仙台層群の古地磁気 : 第三紀
- 琉球列島中部の地質構造(2〜3の問題について) : 中生代
- 奄美大島の地質 : 中生代
- 401 岩手火山,平笠屑流堆積物の先端薄層部について
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- 262 岩手火山,平笠ドライアバランシュ(約1万年前)の微地形と流動方向
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- 北部北上低地帯に分布する渋民溶結凝灰岩の層位と年代について : 火山および火山岩
- 北海道渡島半島, 濁川盆地周辺の新第三系
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- 岩手山東麓部で発見された活断層について
- 宮崎県日南層群の層序と構造について : 第三紀
- 階の模式地における地中海沿岸新第三系の地磁気層位学 : 第三紀
- 高知県西部の三宝山層群・鳥ノ巣層群について : 中生代
- 八重山群島 石垣島・西表島の地質
- 沖縄県 石垣島の始新統 : 第三紀
- 脊梁山地東縁部,盛岡市-花巻市西方に分布する中新統の層序について
- 62 宮崎県国冨・綾北方の地質
- 94 宮崎層群の地質
- 高知県西部, 不入(いらず)山層・鳥ノ巣層群・谷の内層の放散虫層序 : 中生代
- 新第三系・第四系境界問題の現状とイタリア南部VRICAの鮮新-更新統 : 第四紀
- 263 四国西部の黒瀬川帯
- 1878 東北地方の地形, 地質配列の概況(1章 地形と地質)
- 東北・関東地方の海成第四系
- 111 四国西部、黒瀬川構造帯周辺の層序と構造 : 野村・城川地域
- 3 東北・関東の海成第四系
- 造成宅地の崩壊 : 1978年宮城県沖地震の実例
- 126 四国西部の三宝山帯(含黒瀬川構造帯)
- 1968年十勝沖地震と1978年宮城県沖地震の地盤災害および新興都市の地震災害予測
- 大規模な崩壊による堆積構造 : 堆積
- 第三系-第四系境界模式層準の提唱と対比
- 海岸平野の地質構成について
- 琉球列島新生代地史の概要
- 奄美大島の地質,とくに重力滑動と崩壊による地質の構成について
- 辺戸岬の三畳系今帰仁層 : 中生代
- 琉球列島奄美大島の地質 : 地質構造形成におけるgravity transportationの意義について : 中生代
- サンゴ化石から見た宮古島の琉球層群 : 第四紀
- 琉球列島,奄美大島の放散虫化石 : 中生代
- 奄美群島名音層の層序と構造 : 中生代
- 技術情報 深部地熱資源調査(2)
- 沖繩群島久米島の地質
- 奄美大島の中生界ランプロファイア-類
- 岩手火山,篠ケ森火砕流と雪浦降下軽石について
- 大阪層群の対比 : 第四紀
- 琉球列島第三紀以降の堆積盆の変遷 : 琉球列島の地史
- 仙台附近の陸地変動に関する研究 : 構造地質
- イタリアにおける地中海鮮新統・更新統模式層序の諸問題 : 第三紀
- ヨーロッパの標準編年と日本の更新世の対比に関する諸問題:とくに更新世初期について
- 国際的対比における時間面の追跡
- 東北地方における第四紀地殻変動
- 第四紀地殻変動について
- 東北地方の第四系(東北地方の土壌と第四系-第12回ペドロジスト・シンポジウム-)
- 最終氷期における日本の気候と地形 (最終氷期における日本列島の動植物相と自然環境特集号)
- Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology of Sendai and its Environs (1)
- Sea-level and Altitude of Land Bridges during the Continental Stages of Japan:Some Problems on Land Connection