- 論文の詳細を見る
Surveys were made in regard to the distribution of hydrocarbon degrading bacteria in the sea water and bottom sediment and to the presence of petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants in the surface sea water. The horizontal distribution of hydrocarbon degrading bacteria was determined at 25 stations. The numbers of these bacteria in the surface sea water of the Western North Pacific Ocean and Eastern Indian Ocean of oligotrophic areas were relatively low, 4.0×100to 9.3×102/100ml, whereas the numbers in the Bay of Bengal and the Straits of Malacca of eutrophic areas near land were higher than those in the other areas, 3.0×101 to 2.1×103/100ml. The corresponding numbers in the South China Sea were 9.0×101 to 1.5×102/100ml. The vertical distribution of hydrocarbon degrading bacteria was examined at 2 stations. In upper layers these bacteria were found in relatively high numbers, but even in deep areas such as 1, 200m depth these bacteria were still detected at a level of 14 to 23 cells/100ml. In sediment, the numbers of hydrocarbon degrading bacteria ranged from 3 to 9 cells/g-wet at 4 stations. The concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbon in the surface sea water of the Western North Pacific Ocean and the Eastern Indian Ocean were a little higher than those of other regions, 3.7 to 8.8μg/l. The values in the Bay of Bengal, the Straits of Malacca, and the South China Sea were 2.1 to 4.5μg/l. Thus, it was demonstrated that in the regions studied there was no positive correlation between the distribution of hydrocabon degrading bacteria and the occurrence of petroleum hydrocarbons in the environment.
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