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The effect of organic pollution on bacterial communities in river waters was studied by exaining the responses of the bacteria to different concentrations of organic nutrients in media. The enumeration of heterotrophic bacteria in waters was performed by using a 1.0agar medium containing 10g polypeptone, 5g yeast extract, and 2g glucose in one liter of aged river water, and 0.5, 0.2, 0.05 and 0.02 agar media containing polypeptone, yeast extract, and glucose at the concentrations of 1/2, 1/5, 1/20 and 1/50 of 1.0 agar medium, respectively. The maximum number of colonies was obtained on the 0.05 agar medium in both unpolluted waters and polluted waters. The number of colonies decreased with increasing the concentrations of organic nutrients in the agar medic. However, the response of the bacteria isolated from less polluted waters to the concentrations of organic nutrients were considerably different from those of the bacteria isolated from highy polluted waters. Most of the isolates from less polluted waters were able to grow only in a medium with the low concentrations of organic nutrients, whereas the isolates from highly polluted waters were able to grow well not only in the medium with the low concentrations of organic nutrients, but also in those with high concentrations. The former we tentatively named oligotrophs, and the latter, eutrophs. These results suggest that the number of eutrophic bacteria increases due to organic pollution in river water, and that the ratios of numbers of eutrophic bacteria to oligotrophic bacteria (which were predominant in less polluted waters) wolud increase.
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