- 論文の詳細を見る
Additives such as mushroom and ginger are often mixed with fish meat paste to lend variety to Kamaboko. In this case, it has been inferred that a proteinase existing in additives affects the texture of Kamaboko. Therefore, we ascertained whether the addition of ginger or pickled ginger (beni shouga) to fish meat paste exerts an influence on the texture of the product by the action of the proteinase, by using electrophoresis and the measurement of gel strength. The addition of slivers of ginger to fish meat paste caused the degradation of myofibrillar proteins such as myosin heavy chain, actin, tropomyosin and troponin-T and the decrease of the gel strength of Kamaboko. Such effects were not observed by the use of heated ginger. Similar tendencies were also obtained when the enzyme solution from ginger was mixed with the fish paste. These results show that fish meat (paste) proteins were hydrolyzed by the proteinase exuded from slivers of ginger to cause the textural degradation of Kamaboko. On the other hand, the addition of pickled ginger had no effect on the protein hydrolysis, nor on the decrease of the gel srength of Kamaboko.
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