- 論文の詳細を見る
BCG-sensitized guinea pigs were injected intradermally (id) with either 2μg PPD alone, 2-0.02μg PPD plus 100μg bovine serum albumin (BSA), or 100μg BSA alone. Two weeks later, the animals were skin-tested with 5μg BSA. Positive delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) skin reactions to BSA sized more than 10mm in diameter were observed only in the animals which were injected id with PPD plus BSA (Table 1). When 1 ug of bovine gamma globulin (BGG) was used instead of BSA, similar adjuvant effect of DTH to PPD on the induction of DTH to BGG was observed (Table 4). Arthus-type skin reaction had never been demonstrated. The DTH reactions induced were antigen-specific.<BR>By the similar way, the adjuvant effect of DTH skin reaction to BGG was also tested; normal guinea pigs were sensitized with subcutaneous injection of 1mg BGG mixed with Freunds complete adjuvant, and challenged with 5μg BGG plus 100μg BSA 3 weeks later. Three weeks after the challenge, these animals were skin-tested with 5pg BSA. Although significant level of DTH to BGG was developed in these animals, no positive reaction to BSA was detected (Table 3).<BR>Normal guinea pigs were injected id with crude lymphokines, obtained as a culture supernatant of spleen cells of a BCG-sensitized guinea pig mixed with PPD, plus 100μg BSA, and skin-tested with 5μg BSA 3 weeks later; no DTH to BSA was observed (Table 2). It is suggested that so-called tuberculin-type reaction, but not Jones-Mote-type reaction, is required for the adjuvant effect of DTH on the induction of the DTH to an unrelated antigen located at the site of the former DTH.<BR>The intensity of DTH reaction to PPD seemed to affect the induction of DTH to BSA or BGG; in the BCG-sensitized guinea pigs challenged with 2μg PPD plus 100μg BSA, or 2μg PPD plus 1μg BGG, 3 of 5 animals and none of 5 developed DTH to BSA or BGG, respectively, whereas all of the animals challenged with 0.02μg PPD plus 100μg BSA, or 3 of 5 challenged with 0.02μg PPD plus 1μg BGG showed positive DTH reactions to BSA or BGG, respectively (Table 4). The sizes of the DTH reactions induced were larger in the latter group than in the former group (Table 4). It is possible that too vigorous inflamatory response to PPD reduce the adjuvant effect on induction of DTH to protein antigens.
- 日本結核病学会の論文
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- BRM. From the viewpoint of basic medicine.