- 論文の詳細を見る
It has been known that both the effector mechanisms against cancer and the inhibitor mechanisms against the effectors are multiple; the host responses to BCG are also multiple. The mode ofantitumor action of BCG is, therefore, very intricated and dynamic depending on many variable factors.<BR>This review focusses first on the mode of action in “local immunotherapy” with BCG.<BR>The effector mechanisms in local BCG therapy are composed of 3 different steps which arise sequentially after BCG administration. Mechanism A is an immediate-type inflammation caused by BCG. The effector cells in this mechanism are macrophages (Mp) activated directly by BCG with out T cell collaboration. Mechanism B is a tuberculin-type inflammation, in which the effector cells are Mp activated by lymphokines (Lk) released from BCG-sensitized T cells. The activated Mp candestroy tumor cells nonspecifically at the site of the activation. The site of this inflammation provides an adequate place for inducing a strong cell-mediated immunity to an antigen present at thesite. For instance, delayed-type skin reaction to bovine serum albumin (BSA) was easily inducedin BCG-sensitized guinea pigs injected id with a mixture of small amounts of BSA and PPD. Therefore, if the tumor cells possess tumor-specific antigen, this field must be a very favorable place to inducetumor-specific immunity. Mechanism C is the induction of the tumor-specific immunity. Interaction of BCG-stimulated, polyclonally proliferating T cells with Mp which have ingested both BOGand tumor cell debris may be important for the effective induction of tumor-specific killer T cellsand/or DTH T cells. In fact, however, Mechanism C is difficult to be expressed in cancer patients, because of lack of tumor-specific antigen or of reduced ability of immune response.<BR>The anti-tumor effect of “systemic immunotherapy” with BCG is weak, because the effector cellsof the Mechanisms A and B can not be activated at the tumor-site. Possible merits of systemic BCG administration, such as the activation of reticulo-endotherial system and of natural killer cells, and the dominant induction of T cells concerning delayed-type hypersensitivity rather than suppressor T cells, are discussed.
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