抗酸菌フアージの吸着に関する研究 : (第2報) 流産感染と宿主殺菌効果
- 論文の詳細を見る
Effect of the abortive infection of mycobacteriophage was studied on the series of adsorption tubes set up at varying multiplicities of infection in the system of D 29 and Myc. phlei-Yoken.<BR>After 60 minutes of adsorption at 37°C, assay was made on the total infectious centers, the number of unadsorbed free phage particles and the surviving bacteria. It was observed that nearly 90% of the phage particles was adsorbed and the number of unadsorbed phage particles was almost equal to that of the total infectious centers regardless of the phage imput ratio. This fact indicates that all of the adsorbed phage particles were inactivated, even though nothing was known on what step of infection the inactivation took place.<BR>On the other hand, the number of survival bacteria decreased obviously in accordance with the increasing of the multiplicity of infection. The expected number of surviving bacteria calculated by means of binominal distribution in assumption of that the all adsorbed phage particles resulted in killing of the bacteria was not equal to the actual one. It seems likely that this result is due to the unavoidable clumping growth of Myc. phlei in liquid medium. From these results it was revealed that the abortive infection of phage D 29 to Myc. phlei-Yoken resulted in not only inactivation of the phage particles but also the death of the host cells.<BR>The relation between the host killing effect of phage and the spotting method of phage typing of Inycobacteria was discussed.
- 日本細菌学会の論文
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