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Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma, which is an odontogenic tumor similar to the ameloblastic fibroma, is associated with hard tissues, i.e., dentins or osteodentins, and enamels in the soft tissues. The condition is very rare, so that there have been only a few reports on it. The authors experienced two cases with this tumor: Case 1, a 5-year-old boy, had a tumor of the left maxilla; Case 2, a 9-year-old girl, had one in the right mandibular. The histopathological findings from Case 1 showed enamel formation and dentin formation with distinct trabecular structures in the ameloblastomatous tissues of part of the parenchyma of the tumor and sporadically showed differentiated tooth-germ-like structures along with an increase in relatively juvenile fibrous elements in the interstitial tissues. The histopathological findings from Case 2 showed proliferation of the juvenile connective tissues similar to the dental papillae, containing spindle cells of the interstitial tissue. In the connective tissues, proliferating lesions of the odontogenic epithelium that showed small and massive or restiform structures were observed. These were similar to those of the ameloblastic fibroma. In some of the lesions there were odontogenic hard tissues surrounded by irregular osteoid structures.<BR>As treatment, the tumor, including the teeth in the tumor, was excised and extirpated together and the wound was closed in Case 1 and extirpation of the tumor and marsupialization were undertaken with preservation of the teeth in the tumor in Case 2. There is no recurrent tendency at present, and Case 2 particularly has shown eruption of the teeth in the dentition. In this study, these two cases are reported together with reference to the literature.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
寺辺 勝之
日本歯科大学 歯
千葉 博茂
斉藤 俊夫
園山 昇
高森 等
伊藤 真
岡本 圭司
大沼 良之
園山 昇
寺辺 勝之
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