- 論文の詳細を見る
The clinical efficacy of Cefaclor (CCL), a new oral antibiotic of the Cephem group, was investigated at a daily dose of 750mg, which was administered in three equally divided doses, in 34 cases of infections in the field of dental stomatology. Attention was also paid to its possible side effects. In addition, sensitivity to and MIC of the drug were examined for bacteria isolated from suppurative foci. The following results were obtained:<BR>1) The treated cases consisted of 25 with acute, purulent periostitis of the jaw, 4 with acute, suppurative inflammation of the floor of the mouth, 2 with abscess of the cheek, 2 with parulis, and one with dental peritonsillar abscess. CCL wasevaluated to be clinically effective in 81.8% on the 5th day and in 93.9%.<BR>2) From suppurative foci 39 strains of 7 species of bacteria were isolated: 22 strains were α-Streptococcus, 10 Neisseria, and 7 others. The sensitivity test with 1 concentration disc demonstrated that almost all strains were strongly sensitive to CCL.<BR>3) The MIC of CCL was determined for the bacteria isolated and identified. It was 0.39 to 6.25μg/m<I>l</I> for α-Streptococcus and 6.25μg/m<I>l</I> or lower for Neisseria. Thus, CCL was inferior to ABPC in this regard, but inhibited bacterial growth at a lower concentration than CEX.<BR>4) The only clinical side effect seen was slight diarrhea in one case. No large differences were found between the data of the blood tests before and after CCL treatment.<BR>These results suggest that CCL is an effective and safe drug against infections in the field of dental stomatology and is an advantageous antibiotic in dental practice.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
冨田 滋
大島 勝
園山 昇
園山 昇
熊澤 康雄
福井 貞光
新島 康夫
谷内 俊一
冨田 滋
園山 昇
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