A trial study of the new classification (three dimensional diagnostic description) in the maxillo-facial deformity. Part II Occlusion.:Part II: occlusion
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The procedure involved in three dimensional description of diagnosis is outlined with regard to occlusion in the maxillo-facial deformities, citing examples of typical cases.<BR>As parameters observed in occlusion, the vertical (up-and-down) postural relationship between the upper and lower dental arches was described as over bite, 'B' and expressed by the actual maximum (mm).In the case of the value being'minus', the site was additionally described by a dental formula.<BR>The sagittal postural relationship was inscribed as over jet, 'J' and expressed by the actual maximum (mm).In the case of'minus', the site was additionally declared by a dental formula.<BR>The horizontal (right-and-left) postural relationship between the upper and lower dental arches was inscribed as cross bite, 'C' and the site was further described by a dental formula. In the case of no cross bite, the relationship was inscribed as'C<SUB>0</SUB>'.<BR>The postural relationship between the occlusal plane and a hypothetical facial median sagittal plane was described as occlusal plane, 'O' When these planes crossed at right angles, the relationship was inscribed as'O<SUB>0</SUB>'.When the occlusal plane was inclined toward the right or left, the postural relationships were inscribed as'O<SUB>1</SUB>' or'O<SUB>2</SUB>' respectively.<BR>The thus obtained description formula for the occlusion obtained according to this procedure is:<BR>B<SUB>a</SUB> (mm)(+) J<SUB>b</SUB> (mm)(+) C<SUB>x</SUB>O<SUB>y</SUB><BR>It seems that this three dimensional description can describe any occlusion and gives the standard of diagnosis among any institutions in the case of the maxillo-facial deformity.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
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