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An aggressive fibromatosis is a tumor-like fibrous lesion, and it resembles a welldifferenciated fibrosarcoma histologically. It is clinically aggressive to the surrounding tissues, but has no metastasizing ability. This report presents a rare case of an aggressive fibromatosis involving the inferior border of an infant mandible.<BR>A three-year-old girl first visited the First Department of Oral Surgery, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, on April 26th, 1982. At that time, a firm 35×45mm mass was found in the right submandibular region.<BR>The parents had found the painless mass in the left lower face of the patient November, 1981. At the first visit to our department, this mass showed cartilage-like hardness, and the demarcation of the mass was relatively definite but not tender. Submandibular lymph node was not palpable. Intraorally diffuse swelling was seen on the buccal site of the first and second deciduous molar region. Radiographically undermining bone defect was found at the lower border of the mandible beneath the second deciduous molar and the unerupted permanent first molar. By incisional biopsy the diagnosis of aggressive fibromatosis was made.<BR>On May 24 th, 1982, segmental resection of the mandible including the surrounding tissues, masseter muscle and submandibular gland was carried out.<BR>Examination of biopsy and surgical materials showed similar appearances. Tumor-like proliferation of fibrous tissues in the submandibular region invaded the cortex of the mandible and the periphery of the submandibular gland, but not into the bone marrow, the parenchyma inner portion of the submandibular gland, or the regional lymph node. Microscopic examination revealed cellular proliferation of elongated, spindle-shaped fibrocytes and fibroblasts with interlacing budles of collagen fibers. Cellular atypia was slight, and mitotic figure was little.<BR>There was no evidence of recurrence or metastasis in the patient for 2 years and 5 months after the operation.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
石井 純一
東京医科歯科大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科顎顔面頸部機能再建学系顎顔面機能修復学講座顎顔面外科学
岡田 憲彦
東京医科歯科大学 大学院医歯学総合研究科・顎顔面頸部機能再建学系・顎顔面機能修復学講座・顎顔面外科学分野
川口 哲司
東京医科歯科大学大学院医歯学総合研究科 口腔機能再建学講座 疼痛制御学分野
木野 孔司
東京医科歯科大学 歯学部附属病院顎関節治療部
天笠 光雄
東京医科歯科大学 医歯学総合研究科 顎顔面外科学分野
塩田 重利
佐藤 建夫
中村 一彦
塩田 重利
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- Cementifying fibroma of the mandible: Report of a case.
- タイトル無し
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- 下顎骨筋突起部の骨軟骨腫により開口障害をきたした2例
- A case of central schwannoma in the mandible.
- Desmoid tumor in the mandible: Report of a case.
- 副耳下腺から発生したと思われる基底細胞腺腫の1例
- A case of mucoepidermoid tumor occurred in a 13-year-old girl.
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- 舌癌頸部郭清術により発見された甲状腺重複癌の1例
- A case report of complex odontoma of the mandible showing interesting radiographic features.
- 耳下腺腫瘍における画像診断
- Diagnostic ultrasound in diseases of floor of mouth: Evaluation with intraoral scanning.
- A case of Crohn's disease with oral manifestations.
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- Clinical and pathological investigation of lipomas in the oral cavity, and the head and neck region.
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- 悪性腫瘍を疑った舌膿瘍の1例