Electron microscopic studies on the influences of cancer chemotherapeutic agents against primary culture cells from human submandibular glands.
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Ultrastructural effects of various anticancer drugs on the primary culuture cells derived from human submandibular glands were studied.<BR>Four cases from the submandibular gland of tongue carcinoma (squamous cell carcinoma) patients who had undergone neck-dissection were obtained. The modified direct cover-glass method was employed and when the primary culture cells proliferated, they were observed by light-and electron-microscopy and in addition, morphological changes due to anti-cancer drugs influences were examined.<BR>Primary culture cells began to migrate after 3-5 days of cultivation and were epithelial-like polygonal cells of slow growth. Cell density was a little diversified according to case, in some cases small cells densely proliferated. Ultrastructually, the nucleus had a few nucleoli which consisted of the nucleolonema and in cytoplasma tonofilaments, many free ribosomes, mitochondria, lysosomes, etc., were recognized. Vacuoles were also found, but their number diversified according to case. In some cases, secretory granules, which were round, amorphous and had high density, were observed.<BR>Even though light-and electron-microscopic findings of the primary culture cells from human submandibular glands were a little diversified according to case, they seemed to be similar to ductal cells of the submandibular gland as compared with other kinds of submandibular gland cells.<BR>When the cells were affected by MMC 5 μg/m<I>l</I>, BLM 10 μg/m<I>l</I>, they had a little swelling, the lysosome membrane was broken and vacuoles increased, but these changes were not so outstanding.<BR>When the cells were affected by 5-FU 150 μg/m<I>l</I>, they showed remarkable swelling and some were lost. Ultrastructurally, in cytoplasma a lot of vacuoles, round colloid-like material were found and most of the organella were lost, but in the nucleus of most cells, alternation was not outstanding even though the nucleotic chromatin was dispersed in only a few cells.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
田中 信幸
天笠 光雄
東京医科歯科大学 医歯学総合研究科 顎顔面外科学分野
塩田 重利
立花 忠夫
田中 信幸
立花 忠夫
天笠 光雄
塩田 重利
塩田 重利
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