- 論文の詳細を見る
Malignant solid tumors in our files (1973-85) were clinico-statistically investigated in this paper. This study comprised 201 cases; 180 carcinomas (89.5%), 16 sarcomas (8.0%) and 5 other histological tumors (All of which were melanomas, 2.5%). The maleto female ratio of incidence was 1.6 to 1. Each histological malignancy mutually showedsimilarity in sex ratio. In addition to the 201 cases in this series, 2 metastatic tumoros from other locations (lung and mamma), were also observed.<BR>Of the 180 carcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas (Sq. c. ca.) accounted for 146 of the cases (81.7%). In the occurrence of Sq. c. ca., the tongue was the most frequent site (35.6%), followed by mandibular gingiva, mouth floor, maxillary sinus, and so on inorder of incidence. Of the 201 cases, patients who had had exposure to the atomic bomb numbered 24. Out of 32 cases of malignant epithelial tumors originating in the salivary gland, however, the incidence of patiens with such exposure was higher (21.9%).<BR>The five-year cummulative survival rate of carcinoma, sarcoma and other types of tumor, was 64.5, 43.5, and 20.0%, respectively. It turned out, however, that the effects of therapy depended on where the tumors were located. For example, therapeutic results were good for tumors located at the maxillary gingiva (86.7%), mandibular gingiva (82.6%) and mouth floor (69.7%). On the other hand, rather poor results were obtained in the tongue and maxillary sinus. But there was clear prognostic difference in the survival rate of tongue cancer between its early stages (94.1%) and its advanced stages (38.7%). This reconfirmed to us that early diagnosis and early treatment are the most important factors to getting better therapeutic results.
石川 武憲
田中 浩二
前田 耕作
清見原 正騎
伊達岡 陽一
武内 和弘
野村 雅久
安井 良一
下里 常弘
奥井 寛
山原 幹正
村上 和億
中井 健富
池本 公亮
江崎 正人
スビタ グス
西野 宏
林 綾子
藤本 明秀
田渕 順治
清見原 正騎
前田 耕作
伊達岡 陽一
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