Clinical evaluation of non-steroidal analgesic(Loxoprofen sodium, Loxonin) on the pain control after minor oral surgery.
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Loxonin<SUP>®</SUP> is one of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics of the phenylpropionic acid group. It is known that its side effects on digestive organs are less than those of other analgesics because of “prodrug” A clinical evaluation of Loxonin<SUP>®</SUP> on pain control<BR>after minor oral surgery is here reported in regard to time course of effectiveness, side effects, its availability and related points reflect, c1 in pain control.<BR>The number of test cases was 233 comprising 178 cases with single dose (120mg) only at pain onset and 55 cases with 3-divided doses (total 180mg). Of them, 23 cases were omitted because of no Loxonin<SUP>®</SUP> without postcperative pains.<BR>The benefit of the pain control method in the former cases reached 94.4% and the latter showed 96. 0%. The final availability was certainly more than 90% regardless of surgical treatments and inflammation degree before operation.<BR>From the results, it turned out Loxonin<SUP>®</SUP> was safe in the clinical use and highly effective in the pain control following minor oral surgery.
石川 武憲
野村 雅久
安井 良一
下里 常弘
中井 健富
池本 公亮
林 綾子
藤本 明秀
大岡 俊夫
讃岐 淳
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