Questionnaire study after surgical correction of prognathism.
- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to evaluate patient satisfaction after surgical correction of prognathism, a questionnaire was sent to 52 patients at one year post surgery. The attitudes of 35 patients were analyzed. Results were as follows.<BR>1. 14 of 35 cases complained of disturbed mastication and the same number of cosmetic dissafisfaction.<BR>2. 29 cases were satisfied with post-surgical cosmetic appearance.<BR>3. 9 of 16 cases noted improvmed pronunciation after surgery.<BR>4. the size of tongue after surgery was not related to lingual movement.<BR>5. Paresthesia was noted in 23 cases. 14 of the 23 cases noted subsequent resolution. Abnormal sensation remained in 9 cases. Symptoms of paresthesia were completely resolved within 6 months in 12 of the 14 cases (85.7%).<BR>6. 17 of 27 cases complained of temporomandibular joint disorders, which do not resolve in 9 of the 17 cases. The other 8 cases showed no symptoms at one year post surgery.<BR>7. 31 of 35 cases (88.6%) complained of some degree of intermaxillary fixation.
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