A case of large branchial cyst.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Branchial cyst is a comparatively rare disease of embryological interest, which is considered to be originated from the embryonal branchial apparatus. This cyst, which occurs preferably at the cervix positionally adjacent to the jaw and the oral cavity, is often questioned on its correlation with odontopathies.<BR>Recently, we have experienced a case of branchial cyst, which occurred at the right mandibular angle of a 20-year old woman.<BR>The patient, who became aware of some swelling at her right mandibular angle with pyrexia three months before her visit to our department, was diagnosed as something like epidemic parotids and submandibulr gland cyst, and received several suctions and punctures without success at other department, and then came to our department where she underwent its total resection. At present, she shows good prognosis without relapse. Histopathologically, diagnosis was definitely made as branchial cyst.<BR>In the present case clinical symptoms and findings in the resected specimens supposed that the pyrexia with unknown origin was partially responsible for the occurrence of the cyst. Subsequently, several suctions seemed to lead to the secondary infection, thus affecting the enhancement of the growth of the cyst. In terms of the differential diagnosis, We gave some literary considerations and reported above.
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