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Sulfur-containing amino acid derivatives-S-alkyl-L-cysteines, S-alkyl-2-methyl-DL-cysteines and their hydantoin derivatives, and sulfoxides of these compounds--were prepared. Effects of added compounds on radiation inactivation of Escherichia coli NIHJ were tested in a 20mm solution in water or buffer. 1. In water, S-allyl compounds were more effective than S-propyl compounds for protection, and sulfoxide derivatives were less effective than sulfides. The replacement of α-hydrogen of S-substituted cysteines by methyl group decreased the protective effects. On the other hand, their hydantoin derivatives increased the effects. As it was expected from the relation between structure and protective activity, 5-allylthiomethyl-hydantoin (a hydantoin derivative of S-allyl-cysteine) was the most effective for protection and its effect was greater than that of L-cysteine. 2. In a phosphate buffer solution (1/15M, pH 6.8), protective effect of L-cysteine was the greatest, and no other compounds prepared were compared favorably with it. The protective effect of 5-allylthiomethyl- and 5-propylthiomethyl-hydantions were greater than other compounds, but the relations which were found in water were not clear in buffer solutions. It was also found that a sulfoxide derivative of L-5-propyl-thiomethyl-hydantoin had a toxic property in a buffer solution. 3. 4-Ethylthio-DL-isovaline, 2-methyl-5-methylthio-DL-norvaline, 2-methyl-5-ethylthio-DL-norvaline, S-octyl-2-methyl-DL-cysteine and S-lauryl-2-methyl-DL-cysteine were prepared, but they didn't have biologically remarkable effects.
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