比色法による混合製剤中のイソプロピルアンチピリンの定量 : 混合製剤の分析に関する研究 (第8報)
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Isopropylantipyrine (I) reacts with Fe (NO<SUB>3</SUB>) <SUB>3</SUB> in acidic medium to give a red violet color with maximum absorption at 510 mμ.<BR>A new spectrophotometric method, based on this color reaction, has been established to the determination of (I) in pharmaceutical preparations.<BR>Influences of 47 compounds on the determination were examined. The interferences from sulpyrine, aminopyrine, aminopropyrone, antipyrine, salicylate, ribofravine phosphate, codeine phosphate, etc. are eliminated by the chloroform extraction, either in an acidic or an alkaline medium.<BR>The procedure recommended is as follows. A sample {containing 50 mg of (I)} is taken into a separatory funnel. To this is added 10 m<I>l</I> of water and 10 m<I>l</I> of 10% H<SUB>2</SUB>SO<SUB>4</SUB> solution, and it is extracted 6 times with 30 m<I>l</I> portions of chloroform. The combined extract is evaporated on a water bath, and the residue is dissolved in 10 m<I>l</I> of ethanol. It is then diluted with water exactly to 100 m<I>l</I>.<BR>A 10 m<I>l</I> aliquot is transfered to a 25 m<I>l</I> volumetric flask. Ten milliliter of 20% Fe (NO<SUB>3</SUB>) <SUB>3</SUB> solution is added, and it is diluted to 25 m<I>l</I> with water.<BR>The absorbance is measured at 510 mμ (E<SUB><I>T</I></SUB>) against blank. At the same time, the absorbance of standard solution (E<SUB><I>S</I></SUB>) is determined, and the amount of (I) is calculated by E<SUB><I>T</I></SUB>/E<SUB><I>S</I></SUB>.
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