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Changes in free amino acids and their related compounds as well as those in the amino acid compositions of whole peptides and phosphopeptides in the trichloroacetic acid extrct during development of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, were determined. The amount of the free amino acids and their related compounds increased during development, and some variations of the composition were found: the concentrations of glycine, alanine, histidine, taurine, anserine, and creatine increased appreciably, while those of aspartic acid, glutamic acid, and gluamine decreased until hatching followed by the increass in the sac fry stage. The level of conjugated amino acids showed little change, but the composition of those amino acids of the whole peptides varied considerably throughout development. As has already been shown, the unfertilized eggs contained phosphopeptides, and the amount obtained by cation exchange column chromatography of the extracts dropped rapidly, while that by precipitation with 90% ethanol dropped and then rose gradually. The changes in the amino acid compositions of both the phosphopeptides resembled each other in which the decrease of serine, arginine, aspartic acid, etc. and the increase of glycine were notable, but the ethanol precipitates obtained in the later stages seemed to contain non-nitrogenous compoundes because the nitrogen content and the recovery of conjugated amino acids decreased in spite of the increased amount of precipitate. From the changes in serine and phosphorus, it is probable than the phosphopeptides are utilized as a supplier of phosphorus for the fry.
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
- 第11回 ウェブ学会("I"見聞録,50周年記念特集号)
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