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Fugu (Fugu) niphobles (J. et S.), is said to be the most toxic species among puffers, the ovarian eggs having a good deal of toxin. However, there have been no issues about the biochemical behavior of the puffer toxin, for instance, its rise and fall during the embryonic development. It seems now the time this interesting problem to be dealt with. The authors as a first trial carried out the following experiment: Matured eggs were taken and fertilized artificially at the beaches, where numerous puffers were swarming for spawning, and kept in water-tanks till the completion of hatching. Unfertilized or dead eggs were put away from the bed everyday, and the developed eggs at various stages were fixed in methanol acidulated with acetic acid (ca, pH 5); then the puffer toxin was assaied by use of mice following HAsHimoTo et al1). As shown in Fig. 1, the amount of the toxin in eggs remained almost invariable during the preliminary stages but was reduced by half through the course of hatching. A brief discussion is given as to whether the apparent consumption of the toxin is of physiological significance or due to mere destruction of the egg casing.
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- 魚卵抽出液中の遊離アミノ酸およびリン含有ペプチド〔英文〕
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- ニジマス卵の発生中及び稚魚の成育中に於ける蛋白質のアミノ酸組成の変化について
- ニジマス発生中の一般成分の変化
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