スケトウダラ冷凍すり身の品質に関する研究-II : 凍結貯蔵中における溶出性たん白質の消長
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It was previously reported that protein insolubilization in frozen Surtimi (minced fish meat) occurred during cold storage. In order to investigate the process of protein denaturation, gel filtration and ultracentrifugal analyses were conducted on protein extracts from the Surtimi. Samples of frozen Surimi were prepared from washed muscle of Alaska pollack, Theragra charcogramma, of two grades of freshness by mixing with 5% sucrose and 0.2% phosphate. These were then stored at -20°C for up to 13 months or at -10°C for up to 8 months. The Surimi protein was extracted with KCl-phosphate buffer solution (I=0.5, pH 7.2), and the extracts were subjected to gel filtration and ultracentrifugal analyses. The elution patterns obtained by gel filtration of the protein extracts on Sepharose 2 B, showed a peak of actomyosin, and the size of this peak decreased during cold storage. Eluted protein corresponding to myosin fraction also decreased during cold storage. Ultracentrifugal sedimentation patterns of the proten extracts showed a peak of actomyosin and this peak also became less pronounced as the length of the cold storage period increased. These results indicate that both the actomyosin and myosin fraction proteins in the frozen Surimi are insolubilized during cold storage.
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
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