ズワイガニの精巣にみられる季節的変化 (海産無脊椎動物の生殖腺の成熟に関する研究-3,4-)
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In order to elucidate the maturity and seasonal changes in the testes and the biological minimum size of the male tanner crab, Chionoecetes opilio (MAJIDAE, BRACHYURA), known as one of the most important products in the Japan Jea, the present examination was undertaken with emphasis on the histology. The materials used were caught by a motor trawl net which was operated in Wakasa Bay on the west coast of the Japanese mainland at a depth of 175-375m. In December, 1968, 45 specimens ranging from 36.8 (8 th molting stage) to 154.1mm in carapace width were examined to clarify the biological minimum size. On the other hand, 70 specimens collected from October to June, 1965 and again during the same period in 1966, were examined histologically to pursue their seasonal changes. With the exception of a few individuals, no mature spermatozoa were detected in any part of the seminiferous tubules in the specimens of the 8 th molting stage taken in December. The functional spermatozoa were detectable in the spesimens of the 9 th molting stage, and the anterior portion of the vas deferens was filled with many spermatophores. Seasonal changes in the testis of the adult animal was not so remarkable with regard to external appearance, weight or volume, coloration and histologic features. Almost all the stages of spermatogenesis, in particular the spermiogenesis, were found easily in the seminiferous tubules of specimens examined throughout the year, Similarly, a lot of spermatophores occurred in the anterior portion of the vas deferens throughout the year. These results indicat that the male crabs older than the 9 th molting stage and 49.2mm in carapase width may have the ability of reproduction and mate with females at any time.
- 新潟地方のウキゴリ : I. 佐渡島における3型の分布
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- 佐渡島およびその近海の端脚類相(予報)
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- ハゼ科魚類の一生における器官組織の変化-VIII : ドロメ,アゴハゼ,マハゼおよびアシシロハゼの胸腺にみられる周年変化
- ハゼ科魚類の一生における器官組織の変化-VI : ミミズハゼのリンパ球造血器官にみられる周年変化
- ハゼ科魚類の一生における器官組織の変化-V
- ハゼ科魚類の一生における器官組織の変化-IV. : シロウオの消化器官系
- ハゼ科魚類の一生における器官組織の変化-I : シロウオの視床下部-下垂体系
- ズワイガニに関する漁業生物学的研究-VI : 卵巣内卵数および抱卵数
- ズワイガニに関する漁業生物学的研究-V : 浮游期幼生に及ぼす塩分濃度の影響
- ズワイガニに関する漁業生物学的研究-IV : 飼育によるふ化幼生の浮游期間の推定
- ズワイガニに関する漁業生物学的研究-III : 水深別にみた分布密度と甲幅組成
- ズワイガニに関する漁業生物学的研究-II : 甲幅組成から推定した脱皮回数
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- アユの内分泌腺に関する研究-IV : 経産卵巣における不産出卵の運命と新母卵細胞の形成
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- ズワイガニに関する漁業生物学的研究-I : プレゾエア幼生について
- ハゼ科魚類の一生における器官組織の変化-III. : シロウオの造血器官
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- ズワイガニの精巣にみられる季節的変化 (海産無脊椎動物の生殖腺の成熟に関する研究-3,4-)
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- ズワイガニの卵巣にみられる季節的変化 (海産無脊椎動物の生殖腺の成熟に関する研究-3,4-)
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