ハゼ科魚類の一生における器官組織の変化-I : シロウオの視床下部-下垂体系
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Histological study was carried out to elucidate the changes in the hypothalamo-hypophysial neurosecretory system of the ice-goby, Leucopsarion petersi Hilgendorf, with special relation to their spawning migration. As was described in the other species of gobioid fisher, the hypophysis cerebri of the ice-goby is buried into the floor of the diencephalon. The greatest amount of the AF-positive cyanophil cells regarded as the gonad stimulating cells in the proximal pars distalis is reached in the period of anadromous migration. In the hypothalamic region of the ice-goby, two kinds of neurosecretory nuclei were detected; the nucleus preopticus consists of AF- or CH-positive cells, and the nucleus which seems to be equivalent to the nucleus lateralis tuberis stained weakly with AF or acidic dyes. However, histological changes of the later were not elucidated. An active passage of the neurosecretory granules through the entire length of the axon of the cells in the nucleus preopticus was seen in the period of anadromous season accompanying the small amount of the storage substance in the pars nervosa. It seems probable that there is the relationship between the osmoregulation of the fish in the process of upstream migration and the role of the neurosecretory granules. After spawning, a decrease in the amount of the neurosecretory substance in the pars nervosa was observed in the spent fish. A possible role of the substance to the ejection of the gametes is intimated. The large globules of colloidal nature in the extra-cellular spaces of the nucleus preopticus were encountered frequently in the fish of upstream migration. The nature of these globules stained strongly with acidic dyes and iron-hematoxylin was not clarified in the present examination.
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