- 論文の詳細を見る
The external and histological features of a remarkable myxoma developed in the righthand side of head skin of an old female salmonoid fish, the Ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis Temminck et Schlegel, that, has tided over the winter, are described. The present example might be recognized as the first record of a myxoma in the fish from Japan. The tumor is a giant, smooth, hemispherical swelling, including the right nostril, and measuring 13.8 (dorso-ventral axis)×15.0 (cranio-caudal)×7.6 (right and left, i. e., depth) mm. Although the overlying skin, namely, the epidermis, is intact and healthy, the right eye is compressed heavily by the tumorous body. The dermis forms a thick layer, and is chiefly constructed from the well-developed bundles of collagenous fibers and a large quantity of mucoid ground substance. The branches of fibrous strands enter the mucoid substance and partition it into many subdivisions, varying in size and shape. Many lacunae are presented here and there. A large number of stellate shaped cells, probably the fibroblasts, and unde-termined cells in the course of collapse are found in the mucoid substance, which has con-tained abundant fibrills. Just beneath the epidermis the peculiar cells, which seem to be derived from the supporting cells of the olfactory epithelium, show the hyperplastic condition; some of which are arranged in the follicles, surrounding the droplets of mucoid substance in their lumina. The layer of these epithelial components is considerable thick. Several nodules diagnosed as the lymphosarcoma were recognized in the ovary of this fish; the tumor is probably caused by endocrine derangement. Conseqently, there is no possible relationship between the myxoma of head cutaneous-, and lymphosarcoma of ovarian tissues. Besides, the histological picture of the thyroid gland is appeared to be marked hypofunction.
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
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- ハゼ科魚類の一生における器官組織の変化-VI : ミミズハゼのリンパ球造血器官にみられる周年変化
- ハゼ科魚類の一生における器官組織の変化-V
- ハゼ科魚類の一生における器官組織の変化-IV. : シロウオの消化器官系
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- アユの内分泌腺に関する研究-IV : 経産卵巣における不産出卵の運命と新母卵細胞の形成
- カワヤツメ(円口類)の内柱および甲状腺の形態
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- 新潟県山北町 (日本海) から得られたダウリアチョウザメの記録
- 海洋無脊椎動物の生殖腺の成熟に関する研究-V. : ミズクラゲの生殖腺にみられる季節的変化
- ハゼ科魚類の一生における器官組織の変化-III. : シロウオの造血器官
- 日本産イワナ属魚類に関する研究-VIII : 佐渡産イワナ属魚類の分類と狆頭標本
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- ハゼ科魚類の一生における器官組織の変化-7-ウキゴリの造血器官にみられる周年変化〔英文〕
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