ズワイガニに関する漁業生物学的研究-IV : 飼育によるふ化幼生の浮游期間の推定
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This paper deals with the duration of the planktonic larval stages of the Tanner Crab, Chionoecetes opilio, estimated from rearing experiments of the larvae at different temperatures. Ovigerous female crabs were collected in moter trawl net which was operated in Wakasa Bay in the Japan Sea on January 11, 1969. The specimens were kept in a tank with approximately 500 liters of sea water at 7-13°C. The larvae hatched on January 27, 1969. As food, rotifers and newly hatched brine shrimp nauplii were given during the first and second stages of the larvae, and grown brine shrimp of the size from 5 to 10mm in total length during the megalopa stage. The rearing of the larvae was attempted at six different grades of temperature, ranging from 4 to 20°C, and the water temperature was regulated by the use of cold water and a heater on one or each side of the containers (Fig. 1). The highest temperature to keep the larvae alive for a long time was about 18°C. It was found that between the temperatures of 4 and 18°C, the warmer the water the shorter becomes the duration for one molting stage. The following relationship was observed between the number of days required for one molting (y) and the mean temperature of the water used for rearing (x); y=300.89/x1.1117 in the first stage zoea, y=367.45/x1.1619 in the second stage zoea. The integral temperatures for an intermolt were found to be as follows; 215-255 day•°C in the first stage zoea, 217-299 day·°C in the second stage zoea and 262-442 day•°C in the megalopa stage (Table 1). In a suspected duration of hatching season for this species of crab, the water temperature throughout the surface to the depth of 150m in the fishing grounds of Wakasa Bay was 11-13°C (Fig. 3). It was estimated from the relations above that the total duration of the planktonic larval stages in this stratum may be 63-66 days. In other words, the duration might be limited to within three months even though the larvae migrate up from or down to a stratum of cold water deeper than 150m when they rise to the surface in the first stage zoea, or when they sink to the sea-bottom in the megalopa stage or first adult type stage. As the carapace width (2.6-2.9mm) and the external appearance in the first molting stage in the specimens of adult form obtained in these experiments are nearly the same as those reported in the previous paper, it is considered that those reported previously were also specimens equivalent to this first molting stage (Fig. 2).
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
- 福井県におけるズワイガニ資源とその管理
- 若狭湾沖に生息するズワイガニの産卵数
- 若狭湾沖に生息するズワイガニの胚発生期間
- 若狭湾沖合におけるズワイガニ漁獲物の脱皮齢組成
- ズワイガニ属幼性の生態に関する研究-1-ズワイガニの生長と生残に及ぼす飢餓の影響〔英文〕
- ズワイガニに関する漁業生物学的研究-6-卵巣内卵数および抱卵数
- ズワイガニに関する漁業生物学的研究-5-浮游期幼生に及ぼす塩分濃度の影響
- 海産無脊椎動物の生殖腺の成熟に関する研究-5-ミズクラゲの生殖腺にみられる季節的変化〔英文〕
- ズワイガニに関する漁業生物学的研究-4-飼育によるふ化幼生の浮游期間の推定
- 海産無脊椎動物の生殖腺の成熟に関する研究-3,4-
- ズワイガニに関する漁業生物学的研究-3-水深別にみた分布密度と甲幅組成
- ズワイガニに関する漁業生物学的研究-2-甲幅組成から推定した脱皮回数
- ズワイガニに関する漁業生物学的研究-1-プレゾエア幼生について
- 海産無脊椎動物の生殖腺の成熟に関する研究-1-イボニシの生殖腺にみられた季節的変化
- ズワイガニに関する漁業生物学的研究-VI : 卵巣内卵数および抱卵数
- ズワイガニに関する漁業生物学的研究-V : 浮游期幼生に及ぼす塩分濃度の影響
- ズワイガニに関する漁業生物学的研究-IV : 飼育によるふ化幼生の浮游期間の推定
- ズワイガニに関する漁業生物学的研究-III : 水深別にみた分布密度と甲幅組成
- ズワイガニに関する漁業生物学的研究-II : 甲幅組成から推定した脱皮回数
- 海産無脊椎動物の生殖腺の成熟に関する研究-I : イボニシの生殖腺にみられた季節的変化
- アユ稚魚の誤嚥に基づく疾病について
- ヒレグロにみられた上皮性乳頭腫
- 海洋無脊椎動物の生殖腺の成熟に関する研究-V. : ミズクラゲの生殖腺にみられる季節的変化
- ズワイガニに関する漁業生物学的研究-I : プレゾエア幼生について
- 若狭湾沖合におけるズワイガニ漁獲物の脱皮齢組成
- ズワイガニ属幼性の生態に関する研究-1-ズワイガニの生長と生残に及ぼす飢餓の影響〔英文〕
- ズワイガニの精巣にみられる季節的変化 (海産無脊椎動物の生殖腺の成熟に関する研究-3,4-)
- ズワイガニの卵巣にみられる季節的変化 (海産無脊椎動物の生殖腺の成熟に関する研究-3,4-)