- 論文の詳細を見る
An effect of estradiol benzoate (ES) on chronic liver damage induced by carbon tetrachloride (CCl<SUB>4</SUB>) was investigated. One hundred and five male Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups on the basis of the treatment with ES injected ip at 0.1mg/100g bw five times weekly: (1) controls (n=35), treated with CCl<SUB>4</SUB> only; (2) rats treated with ES from the fourth week of CCl<SUB>4</SUB> exposure (n=35); (3) animals treated with ES from the 11th week of CCl<SUB>4</SUB> exposure (n=35). All rats receiving CCl<SUB>4</SUB> alone showed atrophic liver cirrhosis and died of hepatic failure within 15 weeks. Microangiograms disclosed conspicuous rarefaction of the intrahepatic vascular tree in this group. Animals treated with ES, however, showed neither rarefaction of the vascular tree nor atrophy of the liver and the all were survived even continuous CCl<SUB>4</SUB> exposure for 35 weeks. Histologically no malignant transformation of hepatocytes was observed in both groups treated with ES. It is concluded that ES provides a maintenance of microcirculation and a potent angiogenesis in the liver, which in turn protects the liver against microcirculatory derangement and parenchymal damage induced by CCl<SUB>4</SUB>.
- 社団法人 日本肝臓学会の論文
佐々木 憲一
奥平 雅彦
石井 公道
柴田 久雄
岡部 治弥
山田 伸夫
土方 英史
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