A study on the microvascular environment surrounding pseudolobuli in human liver cirrhosis. With particular reference to the significance of the hepatic artery.:with particular reference to the significance of the hepatic artery
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In order to clarify the significance of increase in the hepatic arterial bed for human liver cirrhosis, the present study, in which a barium-gelatin mixture was injected into the portal vein and hepatic artery of twenty autopsied common type of liver cirrhoses (Miyake's B type; 15 cases, Miyake's A' type; 5 cases, including 11 hepatocellular carcinoma cases) and two specific type of liver cirrhoses, was performed. The results demonstrated that while pseudolobuli were generally surrounded by abundant perinodular arterial vascular plexi (PNAP), the hepatocytes of the pseudolobuli themselves were mainly fed by portal rather than hepatic arterial branches. In two special types of liver cirrhosis, namely Willson's disease and secondary biliary cirrhosis, the formation of PNAP was only slight, probably owing to a mild interstitial inflammatory reaction. Further, intracapsular PNAP of nodular hepatocellular carcinomas having an organized capsule were lacking. These findings might indicate that increase in arterial beds is mostly derived from PNAP formed in association with prolonged interstitial inflammation. Thus, it appears not to be directly related with any increased blood volume of the hepatic artery and hepatocellular regeneration or proliferation. In addition, it was noted that liver surface vascular alteration correlated well with the intrahepatic changes, suggesting its use at laparoscopy as a good indicator for differentiation of hepatic diseases.
- 社団法人 日本肝臓学会の論文
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