The effect on the activity of Na, K-ATPase in liver homogenate or liver plasma membrane during administration of dibutyryl cyclic AMP.
- 肝疾患における尿中neopterin測定の意義(第1報)
- 四塩化炭素惹起性慢性肝障害に対するカテコールアミンの抑制作用
- 血管作動薬剤による実験的肝硬変及び肝悪性腫瘍発現の抑制
- 脾過誤腫の1手術例
- 原発性および転移性肝癌に対する血清5-Nucleotide Phosphodiesterase Isozyme-V (5-NPD-V)の診断的有用性
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- ルポイド肝炎をoverlapしたAMA陰性原発性胆汁性肝硬変
- Metabolism of ketoprofen following single rectal dosage in elderly subjects.
- The effect on the activity of Na, K-ATPase in liver homogenate or liver plasma membrane during administration of dibutyryl cyclic AMP.
- A comparative study of two cases of adult Crigler-Najjar syndrome.
- Nutritional management of an examinee in the clinic phase I study.The effect on liver function test under overnourishment.
- 原発性肝癌を中心とした肝疾患診断におけるComputed Tomography(CT)スキャンの有用性(速報)
- An evaluation of liver function abnormality in phase 1 clinical test.Especially on the study in placebo continual medication group.
- Protective and therapeutic effects of estradiol benzoate on fatty liver induced by choline deficiency diet in the rat.
- 肝硬変症の予後並びに糖代謝異常に対する血中norepinephrineの関与
- Intrahepatic microvascular changes in the malignant transformation of macronodular cirrhosis in rats.
- Role of progesterone in the malignant transformation of macronodular liver cirrhosis in rats : A highly probable promoter.:A highly probable promoter
- 四塩化炭素長期投与肝障害に対する安息香酸エストラジオールの作用
- タイトル無し
- A case of multiple focal nodular hyperplasia in the liver.
- Protective effect of dibutyryl adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate on chronic liver damage induced by carbon tetrachloride in the rat.
- タイトル無し