東北南部, 会津地域周辺における中期更新世テフラの層序と編年
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This study shows the revised stratigraphy and correlations of the middle Pleistocene tephras in and around the Aizu area, Northeast Japan. Significant marker tephras in this area are as follows, in descending order of stratigraphy : Nm-SB, TG, Hu-TK, and Kn-KD from volcanoes adjacent to Oze, So-OT, and APm. Stratigraphic positions of Sn-MT and Sn-SK are not clear, but they seem to be positioned near Kn-KD.<BR>Nm-SB (110 ka) from Numazawa caldera is mainly a plinian pumice fall deposit distributed in the central to western part of Fukushima Prefecture and northern part of Tochigi Prefecture. Eruption producing Nm-SB associated with ash fall, plinian eruption, and pyroclastic flow or pyroclastic surge. TG (125-135 ka), which is characterized by volcanic glass shards with a low index, was probably derived from the Sunagohara caldera. The distribution of fall-out tephra of TG is similar to that of Nm-SB, and pyroclastic flow deposit of TG is recognized southwest to west of the Numazawa caldera and along the western margin of the Aizu basin. The eruption process of TG comprises plinian eruption, pyroclastic flow, and plinian eruption.<BR>So-OT (300-330 ka) is composed of an ignimbrite and a fall-out tephra derived from the Shiobara caldera. This ignimbrite is known as Otahara pyroclastic flow deposit. On the other hand, fall-out tephra of So-OT has been newly identified. APm tephra beds are significant widespread tephras derived from volcano in the Hida mountains at 330-400 ka. This study corrects a correlation of APm in this area, which was shown by Suzuki (1993). Tephras identified as APm in this study are Nm-13, -14, -16 tephras below So-OT.<BR>Sn-MT (180-260 ka : FT ages) is composed of an ignimbrite and a fall-out tephra derived from the Sunagohara caldera. The former is part of the Sunagohara-Kubota tephra reported by Yamamoto and Sudo (1996) and the Pyroclastic Flow Deposit I reported by Mizugaki (1993). The latter is the Sunagohara-Kachikata tephra along the western margin of Aizu basin reported by Yamamoto and Sudo (1996), and the Okayaji Volcanic Ash Layer at the eastern foot of Adatara volcano reported by Soda and Saijo (1987). Sn-SK (220 ± 50 ka : FT age), originating from the Sunagohara caldera, was defined by Yamamoto and Sudo (1996). Sn-SK is composed of an ignimbrite and a fall-out tephra characterized by abundant accretionary lapilli. The latter is correlative to the Minowa Volcanic Ash Layer (Soda and Saijo, 1987) distributed at the eastern foot of Adatara volcano.<BR>All pyroclastic deposits derived from the Numazawa caldera are Nm-NM (5 ka), Nm-KN (50-55 ka), and Nm-SB (110 ka), and those from the Sunagohara caldera are TG (125-135 ka), Sn-MT (180-260 ka), and Sn-SK (220 ka). This means that, at both caldera, explosive eruptions occurred three times over 260, 000 years, and it appears that the active period of explosive eruptions moved from the Sunagohara caldera to the Numazawa caldera. This resulted in the preservation of volcanic landforms with more dissected caldera landforms at the Sunagohara caldera. Intervals between eruptions at the Numazawa caldera range from 50, 000 to 60, 000 years, and the volumes of the three products are similar, indicating periodic and regular activities with a discharge rate of 0.02-0.06 DRE km<SUP>3</SUP>/1, 000 years. On the other hand, the mean interval of eruptions at the Sunagohara caldera is 70, 000 to 40, 000 years, and the discharge rate is estimated to be 0.05-0.08 DRE km<SUP>3</SUP>/1, 000 years : the latter is equivalent to or a little larger than that of the Numazawa caldera.
藤原 治
檀原 徹
鈴木 毅彦
鈴木 毅彦
藤原 治
鈴木 毅彦
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- 更新統古琵琶湖層群中の白土谷火山灰層のテフラ年代学的・古地磁気学的および岩石磁気学的特性
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- 吉備高原に分布する第三系のフィッション・トラック年代
- 18 岡山県における古第三系と中新統との関係(地域地質)
- 100. "山砂利層"から発見された古第三紀の年代を示す凝灰岩層理
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- 特集論説へのコメント
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- 受賞者の言葉
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- O-38 0.3Maに噴出した広域テフラNg-1と飛騨地方に分布する高山軽石層との対比
- 中期更新世広域テフラNg-1と飛騨地域に分布する高山軽石層との対比
- 津波堆積物中の混合貝類化石群の形成プロセス : 南関東における完新世の内湾の例
- 早川論文「日本に広く分布するローム層の特徴とその特徴」へのコメント(特集論説へのコメント)
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- 双葉断層系大谷断層の最新活動に関する14C年代資料
- 414 屈折率からみた火山ガラスの不均一性
- 350 FT法におけるゼータ値の比較 : 手法間および原子炉間
- 東京地下における第四紀火山灰編年の確立 : 板橋区赤塚公園および大田区萩中公園地下に産出する前期更新世テフラの対比
- 特集 : 堆積物による火山噴火史研究(堆積物による火山噴火史研究)
- 東北南部, 会津地域周辺における中期更新世テフラの層序と編年
- 岐阜県高富町西深瀬におけるボーリングコアから発見された後期更新世広域テフラ
- 房総半島安房層群上部の8凝灰岩のフィッション・トラック年代
- テフラ研究からみた中部山岳域周辺における中・後期更新世編年の諸問題
- 北関東那須野原周辺に分布する指標テフラ層
- O-252 いわゆる"混合群集"を利用した地層からのイベント解読 : 南関東の完新統の津波堆積物を例として(22. 新生代古生物,口頭発表,一般発表)
- O-134 八甲田カルデラ起源火砕流堆積物の古地磁気層序(10. 地域地質・地域層序,口頭発表,一般講演)
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- 飛騨山脈貝塩給源火道起源の貝塩上宝テフラを用いた中期更新世前半の地形面編年
- O-39 房総半島上総・下総層群に含まれる中期更新世広域テフラ
- 小山・早川・新井論文「東伊豆単成火山地域の噴火史2 : 主として32ka以前の火山について」へのコメント(特集論説へのコメント)
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- B12 那須, 日光, 赤城火山における過去数十万年間の爆発的噴火の歴史とその比較
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