日本人EFL学習者のリーディングにおける状況モデルの修正 : 読解技能とテキストの因果構造に焦点を当てて
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The present study examined how Japanese EFL readers revise their situation models, focusing on two factors: (a) learners' reading sub-skills, and (b) the causal structures of stories. A total of 76 Japanese undergraduates read stories which required them to revise their interpretation of the stories during reading (i.e., situation model revision), then they performed sentence verification and recall tasks. The readers' success with the situation model revision was assessed using the combined data on those tasks. The results showed that reading skills needed for successful revision can be explained by the two textual factors specified by causal network analysis: the explicitness of the revision clues (± explicitness) and the complexity of the causal structures in each text (± simplicity). Specifically, higher level reading processing (e.g., making inferences) was needed for readers to revise their situation models when they read a story which did not include explicit revision clues (i.e., - explicitness), whereas lower level processing (e.g., paraphrasing) was needed when reading a story with a complicated causal structure (i.e., - simplicity). It is suggested that teachers should carefully take into account students' reading sub-skills and the causal structure of a text when requiring them to flexibly interpret the text.
- 全国英語教育学会の論文
- 2012-03-00
卯城 祐司
University of Tsukuba
清水 遥
Graduate School University Of Tsukuba
高木 修一
Graduate School University Of Tsukuba
中川 知佳子
Tokyo Keizai University
長谷川 佑介
Graduate School University Of Tsukuba
名畑目 真吾
Graduate School University Of Tsukuba
濱田 彰
Graduate School, University of Tsukuba
高木 修一
Graduate School, University of Tsukuba:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
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- Effects of Causal Networks on On-Line and Off-Line Narrative Comprehension Among Japanese EFL Readers