英文読解における談話情報を用いた未知語推論の検証 : 語彙知識の深さと手掛かりの有効性を中心に
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The present study examined how Japanese EFL learners infer the meaning of unknown words from discourse information, focusing on their depth of vocabulary knowledge (DVK) and availability of contextual cues for lexical inferencing. A total of 70 Japanese undergraduates performed a lexical inferencing task in a single sentence and a text (i.e., sentence-based and discourse-based inferencing tasks). In both inferencing tasks, five target words were presented to the participants with or without local cues (+Local and -Local conditions): +Local strongly constrained the inferable meanings of target words and -Local did not. The participants' responses were scored by a 3-point scale: unsuccessful, partially successful, and successful. The scores showed that (a) EFL learners can infer the meaning of unknown words more successfully by using local and global cues than by using only local cues, and (b) EFL learners with greater DVK can make a better use of the global cues than those with smaller DVK. Furthermore, the qualitative analysis showed that (c) the learners changed non-working local cues into effective ones in discourse-based lexical inferencing by connecting local cues with available discourse information.
- 全国英語教育学会の論文
- 2013-03-31
卯城 祐司
University of Tsukuba
高木 修一
Graduate School University Of Tsukuba
小林 真悠子
Graduate School University Of Tsukuba
長谷川 佑介
Graduate School University Of Tsukuba
名畑目 真吾
Graduate School University Of Tsukuba
木村 雪乃
Graduate School University Of Tsukuba
濱田 彰
Graduate School, University of Tsukuba
清水 遥
Seitoku University
田中 菜摘
Graduate School, University of Tsukuba
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- コミュニケーション能力テストにおけるリーディングセクションの妥当性検証
- 英文読解における背景知識と読解熟達度の影響
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- 付随的語彙学習における文脈の記憶 : 情報量と心像性の交互作用の観点から
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- EFL読解において活性化された未知語推論の具体性とその強さ : 文脈の収束性と読解熟達度の影響
- 英文読解における談話情報を用いた未知語推論の検証 : 語彙知識の深さと手掛かりの有効性を中心に
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