- 論文の詳細を見る
This study investigated how a flashback in a passage affects Japanese EFL readers' narrative comprehension. The order of events written in a narrative story is sometimes different from that in the real world; thus, readers need additional processes which fill in the gap between the linguistic description of the event order and the event order in their mind. In the present study, 37 Japanese university students read a narrative text written in chronological order, and another 37 students read the same text written in non-chronological order. In the latter version, the first event (E) was put into the third position (E2→E3→E1→E4). That is, E1 was presented as a flashback. An immediate and a delayed recall test revealed that the participants who read the chronological text successfully recalled more information than those who read the non-chronological text, which was also supported by the participants' evaluation of text difficulty. In addition, the error analysis showed that both local and global errors increased when participants read the non-chronological text. Furthermore, more proficient readers were able to arrange the text information in chronological order in their mental representations even when they read the flashback text. Although the flashback did increase the cognitive demand on readers, these readers could follow the events in chronological order, and successfully corrected their situation model.
- 2011-03-31
卯城 祐司
University of Tsukuba
中川 知佳子
Graduate School University Of Tsukuba:japan Society For The Promotion Of Science
清水 遙
Graduate School University Of Tsukuba
清水 遥
Graduate School University Of Tsukuba
星野 由子
Tokyo Fuji University
中川 知佳子
Tokyo Keizai University
甲斐 あかり
Graduate School University Of Tsukuba:the Japan Society For The Promotion Of Science
名畑目 真吾
Graduate School, University of Tsukuba
長谷川 佑介
Graduate School, University of Tsukuba
矢野 賢
Hitachi Daini Senior High School
長谷川 佑介
Graduate School University Of Tsukuba
名畑目 真吾
Graduate School University Of Tsukuba
甲斐 あかり
Graduate School University Of Tsukuba:japan Society For The Promotion Of Science
- The Effects of Background Knowledge on L2 Reading Comprehension : Special Focus on Background Knowledge Test Methods
- Effects of Encoding Processes on L2 Lexical Network Activation
- Construction of a Macroproposition From Supporting Details : Investigation From Japanese EFL Reader's Summary and Importance Rating
- Examining the Characteristics of Scoring Methods for Written Recall Tests : Focusing on Propositional and Idea Unit Analyses
- The Effects of Visual Materials on Reading Comprehension Tests
- 物語文読解における再話の効果 : 学習者の熟達度と産出情報の重要性に焦点をあてて
- 英文読解における日本人EFL学習者の明示情報と暗示情報の理解の比較検証
- テキストの因果的関係性がEFL学習者の英文読解と推論生成に及ぼす影響
- EFL学習者における同音異義語の意味決定 : 第一義の影響と文脈解釈の観点から
- Reading PerspectiveがEFL学習者の要約作成と重要度判定に及ぼす影響
- 読解力測定としての英文和訳の信頼性・妥当性
- Effects of Causal Networks on On-Line and Off-Line Narrative Comprehension Among Japanese EFL Readers
- 自由記述式と多肢選択式読解テストにおける質問タイプと項目困難度の関係
- 筆記再生課題における検索手がかりと読解熟達度の関係
- コミュニケーション能力テストにおけるリーディングセクションの妥当性検証
- 英文読解における背景知識と読解熟達度の影響
- L2語彙知識の再構築 : 複数の訳語との結びつきの観点から
- 錯乱肢の種類が語彙テストにおける消去法ストラテジーの使用に及ぼす影響
- 日本人EFL学習者の読解における処理の深さ
- 再話による口頭説明が大局的一貫性の構築に及ぼす影響
- Relationships between L1 and L2 concreteness, and effects of L1 word frequency on translation recognition performance of Japanese EFL learners
- 改訂階層モデルにおける発達仮説の検証
- 手がかりと目標語のリンク強度が単語再生に及ぼす影響
- 語形情報と文脈手がかりがEFL学習者の未知語推測に及ぼす影響
- EFL学習者の読解および聴解におけるポーズ・日本語訳・英語繰り返し使用の分析
- フラッシュバックが日本人EFL学習者の物語文理解に与える影響
- 予期的推論の生成は日本人EFL学習者の読解にどのような影響を与えるか : 理解,文単位の処理,推論生成のタイミングに焦点を当てて
- Activation and Encoding of Bridging and Predictive Inferences in EFL Reading Comprehension
- 再話と筆記再生課題の比較検証
- 再生課題における暗示的手がかりの効果 : L2読解熟達度,手がかりの言語,意味的関連性の観点から
- 日本人EFL学習者のリーディングにおける状況モデルの修正 : 読解技能とテキストの因果構造に焦点を当てて
- 日本人EFL学習者の読解における予期的推論の抑制の検証
- 付随的語彙学習における文脈の記憶 : 情報量と心像性の交互作用の観点から
- Incremental Learning of Homonyms in Multiple Contexts Among Japanese EFL Readers
- 英文読解における談話情報を用いた未知語推論の検証 : 語彙知識の深さと手掛かりの有効性を中心に
- 文脈内語彙学習における2つの熟達度群の比較 : イメージ教示と文脈の心像性の観点から